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[英]PHP Cannot redeclare class

我發現以前的代碼(來自上一個問題)太慢了,無法完成我想要的操作,所以現在我有了一個快速運行的代碼。 我添加了一個簡單的代碼來計數。 至於不能重新聲明類,我已經閱讀了其他問題,這些問題涉及到引用諸如require_once(something.php)之類的.php文件。除此之外,我沒有任何其他文件。 我嘗試設置兩個文件,所以我確實有一個.php文件,但是隨后出現多個錯誤。 這是我的代碼。

ini_set("display_errors", 1);
ini_set("log_errors", 0);

$numbers = 0;
$amout = 0;

while ($numbers < 50) {
    $numbers + 1;

// This till end of class is to get the divisor numbers
class Divisors {
  public $factor = array();

  public function __construct($num) {
    $this->num = $num;

  // count number of divisors of a number
  public function countDivisors() {
    if ($this->num == 1) return 1;


    $array_primes = array_count_values($this->factor);
    $divisors = 1;
    foreach($array_primes as $power) {
      $divisors *= ++$power;
    return $divisors;

  // prime factors decomposer
  private function _primefactors() {
    $this->factor = array();
    $run = true;
    while($run && @$this->factor[0] != $this->num) {
      $run = $this->_getFactors();

  // get all factors of the number
  private function _getFactors() {
    if($this->num == 1) {
      return ;
    $root = ceil(sqrt($this->num)) + 1;
    $i = 2;
    while($i <= $root) {
      if($this->num % $i == 0) {
        $this->factor[] = $i;
        $this->num = $this->num / $i;
        return true;
    $this->factor[] = $this->num;
    return false;
} // our class ends here

$example = new Divisors($numbers);
// Here it will check if the divisor has 5 divisors
if ($example->countDivisors() == 5) {
    // if true it will add 1 to the amount of numbers with 5 divisors
    $amount + 1;
// when the loop has checked 50 numbers it will print the amount
if ($numbers == 50){
    print "There are $amount numbers with 5 divisors";

我該如何解決? (第二是該類無效的代碼?)




ini_set("display_errors", 1);
ini_set("log_errors", 0);

// This till end of class is to get the divisor numbers
class Divisors
  public $factor = array();

  public function __construct($num) {
    $this->num = $num;

  // count number of divisors of a number
  public function countDivisors() {
    if ($this->num == 1) return 1;


    $array_primes = array_count_values($this->factor);
    $divisors = 1;
    foreach($array_primes as $power) {
      $divisors *= ++$power;
    return $divisors;

  // prime factors decomposer
  private function _primefactors() {
    $this->factor = array();
    $run = true;
    while($run && @$this->factor[0] != $this->num) {
      $run = $this->_getFactors();

  // get all factors of the number
  private function _getFactors() {
    if($this->num == 1) {
      return ;
    $root = ceil(sqrt($this->num)) + 1;
    $i = 2;
    while($i <= $root) {
      if($this->num % $i == 0) {
        $this->factor[] = $i;
        $this->num = $this->num / $i;
        return true;
    $this->factor[] = $this->num;
    return false;
} // our class ends here

$numbers = 0;
$amout = 0;

while ($numbers < 50)
    $numbers + 1;

    $example = new Divisors($numbers);
    // Here it will check if the divisor has 5 divisors
    if ($example->countDivisors() == 5) {
        // if true it will add 1 to the amount of numbers with 5 divisors
        $amount + 1;
// when the loop has checked 50 numbers it will print the amount
if ($numbers == 50){
    print "There are $amount numbers with 5 divisors";


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