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[英]How to return the integer with the lowest value that occurs the most frequently in an array?


int getFreq(int arg) {

    int tmp;
    int storage[10] = { 0 };
    int maxDigit = -1;
    int maxfreq = -1;

    tmp = (arg < 0) ? -arg : arg;

    do {

        storage[tmp % 10]++;

        if (storage[tmp % 10] > maxDigit) {

            maxDigit = storage[tmp % 10];
            maxFreq = tmp % 10;


        tmp /= 10;

    } while (tmp != 0);

    return maxFreq;

我修改了您的函數,並將統計信息收集與其分析分開,以便輕松找到最頻繁但最低的數字。 6 和 7 都出現了兩次。 7 的括號括住所顯示數字中的 6,但該函數返回 6。

#include <stdio.h>

int getFreq(int arg) {
    int tmp;
    int storage[10] = { 0 };
    int maxFreq = -1;
    int digit = 0;

    tmp = (arg < 0) ? -arg : arg;
    do {
        storage[tmp % 10]++;
        tmp /= 10;
    } while (tmp);

    for (tmp=9; tmp>=0; tmp--) {
        if (storage[tmp] >= maxFreq) {
            digit = tmp;
            maxFreq = storage[tmp];
    return digit;

int main(void)
    int val = 17266375;
    printf("Most frequent (lowest) from %d = %d\n", val, getFreq(val));
    return 0;


Most frequent (lowest) from 17266375 = 6


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