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無法使用 VBA 將所有下拉值從 ui 提取到 excel

[英]Unable to pull all dropdown values from ui to excel using VBA

下面是將下拉列表的選定值提取到 excel 中的代碼。 但我想提取該下拉列表的所有值。 請幫助我,並提前致謝。

Public Sub lucky()

Set winShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objShellWindows = winShell.Windows
Set objshell = CreateObject("Wscript.shell")
For Each ie1 In winShell.Windows

  If Left(ie1.locationURL, 66) = "https://lraca-qa.wellsfargo.com/LegalAnalysis/ChangeAlertAdd.aspx" Then
        Set IE = ie1
       Exit For
   End If

Dim TypeOfChange
Set TypeOfChange = IE.Document.getElementById("ctl00_Main_wfcGeneralInfoEdit_fbxGeneralInfo_ddlTypeOfChange")
Sheet1.Cells(1, 2) = TypeOfChange.Item(TypeOfChange.selectedIndex).innerText

MsgBox "done"
End Sub
Dim x As Long

x = TypeOfChange.Options.Length

'Options is zero-based, so need to count from 0 to x-1
For i = 0 to x-1
    Sheet1.Cells(i+1, "A").Value = TypeOfChange.Options(i).Text
    'if you need the value for the option...
    Sheet1.Cells(i+1, "B").Value = TypeOfChange.Options(i).Value


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