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[英]CodeIgniter strong password policy with compulsory uppercase/lowercase letters and digits

我想要求用戶選擇一個至少包含一個大寫字母和一個數字的強密碼。 使用CodeIgniter驗證表單時如何執行此策略?


要擴展默認類,您需要創建一個MY_Form_validation類並將其放入您的application/libraries/MY_Form_validation.php 這是一個例子:

<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * Extension of CI's default form validation library.
 * @see system/libraries/Form_validation.php
class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation {

     * Custom password validation rule.
     * @param  string $pass Password to check.
     * @return bool       
    public function check_pass($pass)
        // It's a good practice to make sure each validation rule does
        // its own job. So we decide that this callback does not check
        // for the password field being required. If we need so, we just
        // prepend the "required" rule. For example: "required|min_length[8]|check_pass"
        // So we just let it go if the value is empty:
        if (empty($pass))
            return TRUE;

        // This sets the error message for your custom validation
        // rule. %s will be replaced with the field name if needed.
        $this->set_message('check_pass', 'Password needs to have at least one uppercase letter and a number.');

        // The regex looks ahead for at least one lowercase letter,
        // one uppercase letter and a number. IT'S NOT TESTED THOUGH.
        return (bool) preg_match('/^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d).+$/', $pass);


有了此自定義類,設置規則時, check_pass驗證規則將對您的控制器可用。

如果您懶於添加此自定義類,或者已經在其他地方實現了驗證功能,則可能要使用自定義驗證回調, callback_是將callback_放在現有函數的名稱之前,並將它們用作驗證規則。 有關更多信息,請參見驗證回調

我不建議使用后一種方法,因為它會混淆驗證規則所在的位置。 在某些情況下,我們必須使用不在驗證類中的自定義回調,在這些情況之外(不是您的情況),所有規則最好都在您的自定義類中。




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