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二十一點紙牌游戲 php

[英]blackjack card game php

我需要在 PHP 中處理 BlackJack 紙牌游戲的一個例子......我找到了一些例子並嘗試基於它們構建我的代碼,雖然還沒有成功......此時我創建了一個類和兩個函數來建立一副 52 張牌,然后使用“洗牌”從中隨機選擇一張牌。 我仍在試驗中,但我無法回顯(或打印)這張隨機卡片。 您的建議將不勝感激! 這是我的代碼...

/*This class contains a function that sets an array of
 * 4 suits, 13 faces and return a deck of 52 cards with var_dump
Class Deck {
    public $suits = array ('Spades', 'Hearts', 'Clubs', 'Diamonds');
    public $faces = array("A", 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, "J", "Q", "K");
    public $deck = array();
    public $card;
    public $value=0;

    public function __construct() { 

        //This function will build a simple 52 card deck for me
        foreach($this->suits as $suit) { 
            foreach($this->faces as $face) { 
                //I introduce a local variable $value to hold a score Number of a card

                $value = $face;

                if(!is_numeric($face))  {
                    $value = 10; 

                if($face == 'A') {
                    $value = 11; 

                $this->deck[] = array("suit" => $suit, "face" => $face, "value" => $value); 
        }// end of a loop in loop

        return $this->randomCard();

    public function randomCard() { 
        $card = array_shift($this->deck);
        //var_dump $this->card;
        return $this->card['face'];
        echo ($this->card['face']);

}//end of the class

$obj = new Deck;
var_dump ($obj->suits);
echo '<br>';
print_r ($obj->faces);
echo '<br>';
echo '<br>';
print_r ($obj->deck);
echo '<br>';
echo '<br>';
echo 'Test test';
print_r ($obj->card);

我不明白為什么$card是你班級的成員randomCard() ,因為每次你調用randomCard()它都會改變,你只將它用作返回值。 所以從你的班級中刪除$card


public function randomCard(){
        reloadDeck() // you need a funtction which 'reloads' the deck because array_shift will remove the first element

    return array_shift($this->deck);



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