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[英]Why are the previous elements of my array changing (array of strings in C)




//prints out the cwd; then loops to take in the line, split it up into arguments, and attempt to execute it
//while lsh_execute returns 0, then frees up the allocated space
void lsh_loop(void)
  char *line;               //pointer to a char (the beg. of an array of chars)
  char *cache[10] = {NULL};     //history array
  char **args;              //pointer to a pointer of a char...
  int status, counter = 0, i, j;

  do {
    printf("%s>", getcwd(0,0));     //print cwd
    line = lsh_read_line();     //call read line
    counter = lsh_cache_line(counter,line, cache);
    printf("This is counter:%i\n", counter);        

    for(i=0; i<10; i++){
      printf("This is cache[%i]:%s\n", i, cache[i]);

    args = lsh_split_line(line);    //split line
    status = lsh_execute(args);     //execute the split args

    free(line);             //free memory
  } while (status);         //continue as long as execute returns 1



int lsh_cache_line(int counter,char *line, char *cache[10]){

  (cache[counter]) = line;
  printf("This is cache[%i]:%s\n", counter, cache[counter]);
  counter = counter % 10;
  return counter; 



paul@paul-VirtualBox:~/Desktop$ gcc shell.c
paul@paul-VirtualBox:~/Desktop$ ./a.out
This is cache[0]:HI
This is counter:1
This is cache[0]:HI
This is cache[1]:(null)
This is cache[2]:(null)
This is cache[3]:(null)
This is cache[4]:(null)
This is cache[5]:(null)
This is cache[6]:(null)
This is cache[7]:(null)
This is cache[8]:(null)
This is cache[9]:(null)
lsh: No such file or directory
/home/paul/Desktop>this is my problem
This is cache[1]:this is my problem
This is counter:2
This is cache[0]:/home/paul/Desktop
This is cache[1]:this is my problem
This is cache[2]:(null)
This is cache[3]:(null)
This is cache[4]:(null)
This is cache[5]:(null)
This is cache[6]:(null)
This is cache[7]:(null)
This is cache[8]:(null)
This is cache[9]:(null)
lsh: No such file or directory
/home/paul/Desktop>it overwrites my previous string with the cwd
This is cache[2]:it overwrites my previous string with the cwd
This is counter:3
This is cache[0]:/home/paul/Desktop
This is cache[1]:/home/paul/Desktop
This is cache[2]:it overwrites my previous string with the cwd
This is cache[3]:(null)
This is cache[4]:(null)
This is cache[5]:(null)
This is cache[6]:(null)
This is cache[7]:(null)
This is cache[8]:(null)
This is cache[9]:(null)
lsh: No such file or directory





int lsh_cache_line(int counter,char *line, char *cache[10]){

 (cache[counter]) = strdup(line);
 printf("This is cache[%i]:%s\n", counter, cache[counter]);
 counter = counter % 10;
 return counter; 


字符串有10個插槽,但是字符串值沒有存儲空間。 您需要分配一些內存。

我敢打賭,您的lsh_read_line()函數將始終為您返回具有不同文本的相同緩沖區。 然后,將指向此緩沖區的指針存儲到數組中的不同單元格中。 一旦將其輸入到行變量中,就應該將文本復制到新分配的字符串中,並且以后只能使用此新副本。


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