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Angularjs ng-bind-html與自定義過濾器

[英]Angularjs ng-bind-html with custom Filter

我目前正在使用ng-bind-html。 基本上,我想要做的是,當我發布博客時,博客包含鏈接和其他樣式。 因此,當我試圖顯示博客列表時,我正在使用這樣的ng-bing-html:

<p ng-bind-html="blog.blogContent"></p>


但另外,我嘗試通過傳遞自定義過濾器來截斷博客並僅顯示幾個帶有查看更多選項的段落。 但是當我通過過濾器時,我得到以下內容:

<p ng-bind-html="blog.blogContent | Truncate"></p>

Error: [$sanitize:badparse] The sanitizer was unable to parse the
following block of html: <a href="https:.......


return function (text, length, end) {
    if (text !== undefined) {
      if (isNaN(length)) {
        length = 450;

      if (end === undefined) {
        end = ".......";

      if (text.length <= length || text.length - end.length <= length) {
        return text;
      } else {
        return String(text).substring(0, length - end.length) + end;

您可以使用自定義指令和過濾器來解決此問題。 試試這個: https//stackoverflow.com/a/45076560/6816707

我在這篇文章中使用了Minouris發布的解決方案( Javascript截斷HTML文本 )並將其改編為AngularJS過濾器。 它似乎工作得很好。 過濾器是

angular.module('plunker').filter('Truncate', function() {
  return function(text, length, end) {
       if (text !== undefined) {
      if (isNaN(length)) {
        length = 20;

      if (end === undefined) {
        end = ".......";

      if (text.length <= length || text.length - end.length <= length) {
        return text;

    var truncated = text.substring(0, length);
    // Remove line breaks and surrounding whitespace
    truncated = truncated.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"").trim();
    // If the text ends with an incomplete start tag, trim it off
    truncated = truncated.replace(/<(\w*)(?:(?:\s\w+(?:={0,1}(["']{0,1})\w*\2{0,1})))*$/g, '');
    // If the text ends with a truncated end tag, fix it.
    var truncatedEndTagExpr = /<\/((?:\w*))$/g;
    var truncatedEndTagMatch = truncatedEndTagExpr.exec(truncated);
    if (truncatedEndTagMatch != null) {
        var truncatedEndTag = truncatedEndTagMatch[1];
        // Check to see if there's an identifiable tag in the end tag
        if (truncatedEndTag.length > 0) {
            // If so, find the start tag, and close it
            var startTagExpr = new RegExp(
                "<(" + truncatedEndTag + "\\w?)(?:(?:\\s\\w+(?:=([\"\'])\\w*\\2)))*>");
            var testString = truncated;
            var startTagMatch = startTagExpr.exec(testString);

            var startTag = null;
            while (startTagMatch != null) {
                startTag = startTagMatch[1];
                testString = testString.replace(startTagExpr, '');
                startTagMatch = startTagExpr.exec(testString);
            if (startTag != null) {
                truncated = truncated.replace(truncatedEndTagExpr, '</' + startTag + '>');
        } else {
            // Otherwise, cull off the broken end tag
            truncated = truncated.replace(truncatedEndTagExpr, '');
    // Now the tricky part. Reverse the text, and look for opening tags. For each opening tag,
    //  check to see that he closing tag before it is for that tag. If not, append a closing tag.
    var testString = reverseHtml(truncated);
    var reverseTagOpenExpr = /<(?:(["'])\w*\1=\w+ )*(\w*)>/;
    var tagMatch = reverseTagOpenExpr.exec(testString);
    while (tagMatch != null) {
        var tag = tagMatch[0];
        var tagName = tagMatch[2];
        var startPos = tagMatch.index;
        var endPos = startPos + tag.length;
        var fragment = testString.substring(0, endPos);
        // Test to see if an end tag is found in the fragment. If not, append one to the end
        //  of the truncated HTML, thus closing the last unclosed tag
        if (!new RegExp("<" + tagName + "\/>").test(fragment)) {
            truncated += '</' + reverseHtml(tagName) + '>';
        // Get rid of the already tested fragment
        testString = testString.replace(fragment, '');
        // Get another tag to test
        tagMatch = reverseTagOpenExpr.exec(testString);
    return truncated;

  function reverseHtml(str) {
    var ph = String.fromCharCode(206);
    var result = str.split('').reverse().join('');
    while (result.indexOf('<') > -1) {
        result = result.replace('<',ph);
    while (result.indexOf('>') > -1) {
        result = result.replace('>', '<');
    while (result.indexOf(ph) > -1) {
        result = result.replace(ph, '>');
    return result;

工作人員: http ://plnkr.co/edit/oCwmGyBXB26omocT2q9m?p =preview

我還沒有測試過上面的解決方案,你可能會遇到更復雜的HTML字符串問題。 我建議使用像https://github.com/pathable/truncate這樣的Jquery庫來保證安全嗎?


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