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C ++正則表達式使用regex_search()提取所有子字符串

[英]c++ regex extract all substrings using regex_search()

我是C ++正則表達式的新手。 我有一個字符串“ {1,2,3}”,我想提取數字1 23。我以為我應該使用regex_search,但是失敗了。

using namespace std;
int main()
        string s1("{1,2,3}");
        string s2("{}");
        smatch sm;
        regex e(R"(\d+)");
        cout << s1 << endl;
        if (regex_search(s1,sm,e)){
                cout << "size: " << sm.size() << endl;
                for (int i = 0 ; i < sm.size(); ++i){
                        cout << "the " << i+1 << "th match" <<": "<< sm[i] <<  endl;


size: 1
the 1th match: 1

std :: regex_search僅在找到第一個匹配項后返回。

std :: smatch給您的是正則表達式中所有匹配的組。 您的正則表達式僅包含一組,因此std :: smatch僅包含一項。

如果要查找所有匹配項,則需要使用std :: sregex_iterator

int main()
    std::string s1("{1,2,3}");
    std::regex e(R"(\d+)");

    std::cout << s1 << std::endl;

    std::sregex_iterator iter(s1.begin(), s1.end(), e);
    std::sregex_iterator end;

    while(iter != end)
        std::cout << "size: " << iter->size() << std::endl;

        for(unsigned i = 0; i < iter->size(); ++i)
            std::cout << "the " << i + 1 << "th match" << ": " << (*iter)[i] << std::endl;


size: 1
the 1th match: 1
size: 1
the 1th match: 2
size: 1
the 1th match: 3

end迭代器是默認情況下由設計構造的,因此當iter用盡匹配項時,它等於iter 請注意,在循環底部我執行++iter 這將iter轉移到下一場比賽。 如果沒有更多匹配項,則iter與默認構造的end具有相同的值。


int main()
    std::string s1("{1,2,3}{4,5,6}{7,8,9}");
    std::regex e(R"~((\d+),(\d+),(\d+))~");

    std::cout << s1 << std::endl;

    std::sregex_iterator iter(s1.begin(), s1.end(), e);
    std::sregex_iterator end;

    while(iter != end)
        std::cout << "size: " << iter->size() << std::endl;

        std::cout << "expression match #" << 0 << ": " << (*iter)[0] << std::endl;
        for(unsigned i = 1; i < iter->size(); ++i)
            std::cout << "capture submatch #" << i << ": " << (*iter)[i] << std::endl;


size: 4
expression match #0: 1,2,3
capture submatch #1: 1
capture submatch #2: 2
capture submatch #3: 3
size: 4
expression match #0: 4,5,6
capture submatch #1: 4
capture submatch #2: 5
capture submatch #3: 6
size: 4
expression match #0: 7,8,9
capture submatch #1: 7
capture submatch #2: 8
capture submatch #3: 9


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