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Peter Norvig的拼寫校正器的Haskell版本太慢了

[英]Haskell version of Peter Norvig's spelling corrector is unbelievably slow

作為練習,我在Haskell中編寫了Peter Norvig的拼寫校正器算法

module Spl (nwords, correct)

import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (maximumBy, splitAt, foldl')
import Text.Regex.TDFA (getAllTextMatches, (=~))

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

type NWords = Map.Map String Int

alphabet :: String
alphabet = enumFromTo 'a' 'z'

nwords :: String -> Map.Map String Int
nwords = train . words'

uniqueElems :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
uniqueElems = uniq' Set.empty
    where uniq' _ [] = []
          uniq' seen (x:xs)
            | x `Set.member` seen = uniq' seen xs
            | otherwise           = x:uniq' (x `Set.insert` seen) xs

words' :: String -> [String]
words' = getAllTextMatches . flip (=~) "[a-z]+" . map toLower

train :: [String] -> NWords
train = foldl' populate Map.empty
    where populate m feature = Map.insertWith (+) feature 1 m

edits :: String -> [String]
edits word = uniqueElems $ concat [dels, trans, repl, ins]
    where dels   = [a ++ tail b | (a,b) <- splits, nn b]
          trans  = [ a ++ (b!!1):head b:tail (tail b) | (a,b) <- splits
                   , length b > 1]
          repl   = [a ++ c:tail b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- alphabet, nn b]
          ins    = [a ++ c:b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- alphabet]
          splits = [splitAt n word | n <- [0..length word]]
          nn     = not . null

knownEdits :: NWords -> String -> [String]
knownEdits nw word = uniqueElems [ e2 | e1 <- edits word, e2 <- edits e1
                                 , Map.member e2 nw]

known :: NWords -> [String] -> [String]
known nw = uniqueElems . filter (`Map.member` nw)

correct :: NWords -> String -> String
correct nw word = fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) candidates
    where candidates = [(w, Map.findWithDefault 0 w nw) | w <- result]
          result     = head $ filter (not . null) start
          start      = [ known nw [word], known nw $ edits word
                       , knownEdits nw word , [word]]


ghci> t <- readFile "big.txt"
ghci> let nw = nwords t
ghci> correct nw "speling"

可以在Peter Norvig的網站上找到big.txt文件(直接鏈接為6.2MB): http : //norvig.com/big.txt


  • 建立單詞地圖需要很長時間 train功能比words'慢得多,因此是瓶頸。
  • 內存使用非常瘋狂。 玩了一段時間后,我的存儲空間達到了將近1 GB。

那么,我在哪里弄錯了? 我在某處有內存泄漏嗎?


  • 使用有效的字符串類型(即Text / ByteString或它們的惰性變體)
  • 使用更好的哈希圖實現-類似於Data.HashMap.Strict
  • 編寫自定義單詞解析器,而不使用正則表達式

以下代碼可以在大約2秒鍾內將所有big.txt加載到Data.Hashmap.Strict中。 內存使用量約為25 MB(在64位系統上):

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.List

isAlpha ch = ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z')

wrds :: T.Text -> [ T.Text ]
wrds bs =
      (_, r1) = T.span (not . isAlpha) bs
      (w, r2) = T.span isAlpha r1
  in if T.null w then [] else T.toLower w : wrds r2

readDict = do
  allwords <- fmap wrds $ T.readFile "big.txt"
  let h = foldl' add H.empty all words
      add h w = let c = H.lookupDefault (0 :: Int)  w h
                in  H.insert w (c+1) h
      member = \k -> H.member k h
      frequency = \k -> H.lookupDefault 0 k h
  return (member, frequency)



{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module SpellText

import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.List.Ordered (nubSort)
import Data.Ord
import Data.List
import Control.Monad

type Dict = ( Text -> Bool, Text -> Int )

singles :: [ Text ]
singles = map T.singleton ['a'..'z']

edits :: Text -> [ Text ]
edits w = deletes <> nubSort (transposes <> replaces) <> inserts
    splits     = zip (T.inits w) (T.tails w)
    deletes    = [ a <> (T.drop 1 b) | (a,b) <- splits, T.length b > 0 ]
    transposes = [ a <> c <> (T.drop 2 b) | (a,b) <- splits, T.length b > 1,
                   let c = T.pack [ T.index b 1, T.index b 0 ] ]
    replaces   = [ a <> c <> (T.drop 1 b) | (a,b) <- splits, T.length b > 1,
                    c <- singles ]
    inserts    = [ a <> c <> b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- singles ]

orElse :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
orElse [] bs = bs
orElse as _  = as

-- | Correct a word. 'isMember' and 'frequency' are functions to
--   determine if a word is in the dictionary and to lookup its
--   frequency, respectively.
correct :: Dict -> Text -> Text 
correct (isMember,frequency) w0 = 
  let ed0 = [ w0 ]
      ed1 = edits w0
      ed2 = [ e2 | e1 <- ed1, e2 <- edits e1 ]

      kn0 = filter isMember ed0
      kn1 = filter isMember ed1
      kn2 = filter isMember ed2

      candidates = kn0 `orElse` (kn1 `orElse` (kn2 `orElse` [w0]))
  in maximumBy (comparing frequency) candidates


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import ... -- import the above code

main = do
  dictfns <- readDict
  print $ correct dictfns "howwa"


恕我直言,它看起來並不慢。 nwords消耗最多的時間。 另一個功能, correct ,實際上是非常快的。 在我的機器上, nwords大約需要6.5s,而correct時間少於0.1s,這與Peter Norvigs的目標是每秒10個單詞的處理速度相匹配。

通過force train函數的輸入和輸出,我可以將性能提高20%。

我用ghc -o Spl -O2 Spl.hs編譯了程序。

module Main (nwords, correct, main)

import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (maximumBy, splitAt, foldl')
import Text.Regex.TDFA (getAllTextMatches, (=~))

import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq, force)
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

type NWords = Map.Map String Int

alphabet :: String
alphabet = enumFromTo 'a' 'z'

nwords :: String -> Map.Map String Int
nwords = train . words'

uniqueElems :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
uniqueElems = uniq' Set.empty
    where uniq' _ [] = []
          uniq' seen (x:xs)
            | x `Set.member` seen = uniq' seen xs
            | otherwise           = x:uniq' (x `Set.insert` seen) xs

words' :: String -> [String]
words' = getAllTextMatches . flip (=~) "[a-z]+" . map toLower

-- have a 20% performance improvement by using 'force' on input and output
train :: [String] -> NWords
train = force . foldl' populate Map.empty . force
    where populate m feature = Map.insertWith (+) feature 1 m

edits :: String -> [String]
edits word = uniqueElems $ concat [dels, trans, repl, ins]
    where dels   = [a ++ tail b | (a,b) <- splits, nn b]
          trans  = [ a ++ (b!!1):head b:tail (tail b) | (a,b) <- splits
                   , length b > 1]
          repl   = [a ++ c:tail b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- alphabet, nn b]
          ins    = [a ++ c:b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- alphabet]
          splits = [splitAt n word | n <- [0..length word]]
          nn     = not . null

knownEdits :: NWords -> String -> [String]
knownEdits nw word = uniqueElems [ e2 | e1 <- edits word, e2 <- edits e1
                                 , Map.member e2 nw]

known :: NWords -> [String] -> [String]
known nw = uniqueElems . filter (`Map.member` nw)

correct :: NWords -> String -> String
correct nw word = fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) candidates
    where candidates = [(w, Map.findWithDefault 0 w nw) | w <- result]
          result     = head $ filter (not . null) start
          start      = [ known nw [word], known nw $ edits word
                       , knownEdits nw word , [word]]

main = do
    time0 <- getPOSIXTime
    t <- readFile "big.txt"
    time1 <- getPOSIXTime
    putStrLn $ ":: readFile: "++(show $ time1-time0)

    let nw = nwords t
    evaluate $ force nw
    time2 <- getPOSIXTime
    putStrLn $ ":: nwords: " ++ (show $ time2-time1)

    putStrLn $ correct nw "speling"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "miracl"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "helllo"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "rabit"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "kitteen"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "breaks"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "sometheeng"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "clessical"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "theater"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "dishis"
    time3 <- getPOSIXTime
    putStrLn $ ":: correcting: " ++ (show $ time3-time2)

    let a = time1-time0
    let b = time2-time1
    let c = time3-time2
    let total = time3 - time0
    putStrLn $ ":: total:  "++(show $ time3-time0)


:: readFile: 0.000202s
:: nwords: 6.063617s
:: correcting: 0.749441s
:: total:  6.81326s

此外,如果不使用正則表達式, nwords函數的速度將提高一倍:

words' :: String -> [String]
words' str = map (map toLower) $ words str
    where words str = if (null a)
                        then (if null b then [] else words f)
                        else a:(words d)
                            where (a,b) = span  isAlpha str
                                  (c,d) = break isAlpha b
                                  (e,f) = break isAlpha str




在我的系統上,此版本最多僅占用21MB。 如果您使用正則表達式或在train使用force ,似乎存在空間泄漏。 如果兩者都省略,則表現良好。 我認為這與以下事實有關:自寫words'功能比正則表達式words'功能更懶。

module Main (nwords, correct, main)

import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (maximumBy, splitAt, foldl')

import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Char (isAlpha)

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

type NWords = Map.Map String Int

alphabet :: String
alphabet = enumFromTo 'a' 'z'

nwords :: String -> Map.Map String Int
nwords = train . words'

uniqueElems :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
uniqueElems = uniq' Set.empty
    where uniq' _ [] = []
          uniq' seen (x:xs)
            | x `Set.member` seen = uniq' seen xs
            | otherwise           = x:uniq' (x `Set.insert` seen) xs

words' :: String -> [String]
words' str = map (map toLower) $ words str
    where words str = if (null a)
                        then (if null b then [] else words f)
                        else a:(words d)
                            where (a,b) = span isAlpha str
                                  (c,d) = break isAlpha b
                                  (e,f) = break isAlpha str

train :: [String] -> NWords
train = foldl' populate Map.empty
    where populate m feature = Map.insertWith (+) feature 1 m

edits :: String -> [String]
edits word = uniqueElems $ concat [dels, trans, repl, ins]
    where dels   = [a ++ tail b | (a,b) <- splits, nn b]
          trans  = [ a ++ (b!!1):head b:tail (tail b) | (a,b) <- splits
                   , length b > 1]
          repl   = [a ++ c:tail b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- alphabet, nn b]
          ins    = [a ++ c:b | (a,b) <- splits, c <- alphabet]
          splits = [splitAt n word | n <- [0..length word]]
          nn     = not . null

knownEdits :: NWords -> String -> [String]
knownEdits nw word = uniqueElems [ e2 | e1 <- edits word, e2 <- edits e1
                                 , Map.member e2 nw]

known :: NWords -> [String] -> [String]
known nw = uniqueElems . filter (`Map.member` nw)

correct :: NWords -> String -> String
correct nw word = fst $ maximumBy (comparing snd) candidates
    where candidates = [(w, Map.findWithDefault 0 w nw) | w <- result]
          result     = head $ filter (not . null) start
          start      = [ known nw [word], known nw $ edits word
                       , knownEdits nw word , [word]]

main = do
    time0 <- getPOSIXTime
    t <- readFile "big.txt"
    time1 <- getPOSIXTime
    putStrLn $ ":: readFile: "++(show $ time1-time0)

    let nw = nwords t
    evaluate $ force nw
    time2 <- getPOSIXTime
    putStrLn $ ":: nwords: " ++ (show $ time2-time1)

    putStrLn $ correct nw "speling"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "miracl"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "helllo"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "rabit"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "kitteen"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "breaks"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "sometheeng"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "clessical"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "theater"
    putStrLn $ correct nw "dishis"
    time3 <- getPOSIXTime
    putStrLn $ ":: correcting: " ++ (show $ time3-time2)

    let a = time1-time0
    let b = time2-time1
    let c = time3-time2
    let total = time3 - time0
    putStrLn $ ":: total:  "++(show $ time3-time0)


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