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[英]Need help calculating percentages for value


我只是好奇我如何計算用戶輸入的每個值的百分比。 我在試圖找到正確的表達方式時遇到了一些麻煩,以便它可讀並且可以被 Java 正確解釋。

我的目標是計算脂肪、碳水化合物和蛋白質的克數的每個百分比,並將其顯示在屏幕上。 我不是要求有人為我做作業,我只是需要一點指導。

  //local constants

  //local variables
  int carb;           // amount of carbs entered by user
  int fat;            // amount of fat entered by user
  int pro;            // amount of protein entered by user
  int sum;            // sum of three numbers

  //myLib = new Library();

  /********************   Start main method  *****************/

  //Prompt user for amount of carbohydrates
  System.out.print("Please enter the amount of carbohydrates: ");
  carb = Keyboard.readInt();

  //Prompt user for amount of fat
  System.out.print("Please enter the amount of fat: ");
  fat = Keyboard.readInt();

  //Prompt user for amount of protein
  System.out.print("Please enter amount of protein: ");
  pro = Keyboard.readInt();

  //Calculate the sum of the three numbers
  sum = carb + fat + pro;


double carbPercent = ((double)carb / sum) * 100
double fatPercent = ((double)fat / sum) * 100
double proteinPercent = ((double)pro / sum) * 100


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