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沒有故事板的 Swift 委托

[英]Swift delegation without storyboard

你好,我有 2 個班級:

第一類是從 UIViewController 繼承的發送者:

class Sender: UIViewController {

// ReceiverDelegate property for communicating with viewmodel //
var delegate: ReceiverDelegate?

// loginButtonClicked - IBAction called after login button clicked //
@IBAction func loginButtonClicked(sender: AnyObject) {
    delegate?.didPressLoginWithCredentials("xx", password: "ss")


override func viewDidLoad() {
    Receiver(vc: self)
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
    // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


第二類只是像模型這樣的接收器類,而不是 UIViewController:

protocol ReceiverDelegate {
func didPressLoginWithCredentials(username: String, password: String)

class Receiver: ReceiverDelegate {
init(vc: Sender) {
    vc.delegate = self

func didPressLoginWithCredentials(username: String, password: String) {
    println("THE MESSAGE")


我想問一下,這是否是分配代表的好方法。 我需要以某種方式在我的 Sender 內部進行,因為 Receiver 永遠不會被初始化?

我在 Sender 的 viewDidLoad 中分配了我的委托。

如果有更好的方法請幫忙! (也許我應該做類似 var receiver = Receiver() 之類的事情?然后在沒有委托的情況下調用接收器方法?)


class Sender: UIViewController, ReceiverDelegate {

var receiver: Receiver()

override func viewDidLoad() {
    receiver.delegate = self

func didPressLoginWithCredentials(username: String, password: String) {
    println("THE MESSAGE")


protocol ReceiverDelegate {
    func didPressLoginWithCredentials(username: String, password: String)

class Receiver: NSObject { //or whatever you're subclassing

    weak var delegate: ReceiverDelegate?

    init(vc: Sender) {
        // your initialization code

    // loginButtonClicked - IBAction called after login button clicked 
    @IBAction func loginButtonClicked(sender: AnyObject) {
        delegate?.didPressLoginWithCredentials("xx", password: "ss")

值得注意的是,您的代碼有點令人困惑——我不確定您的接收器應該是什么,但我已經重新安排了您的代碼以正確使用協議/委托。 Receiver 將需要其中的登錄按鈕按鈕,因此它可能是 UIView 的子類。 很難說沒有看到更多。



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