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如何在 JavaScript 中創建此對象的鍵/值的所有組合?

[英]How can I create all combinations of this object's keys/values in JavaScript?

我有以下 JavaScript 對象結構:

var options = {
    optionOne: [true, false],
    optionTwo: [true, false],
    optionThree: [
        {property1: 9, property2: 7},
        {property1: 4, property2: 12},
        {property1: 16, property2: 14}

請注意,此對象中的密鑰/對的數量會有所不同。 所以實際上可能有optionFouroptionFive等,並且每個選項的數組可以有任意數量或類型的值。


    {optionOne: true,  optionTwo, true,  optionThree: null},
    {optionOne: false, optionTwo, true,  optionThree: null},
    {optionOne: true,  optionTwo, false, optionThree: null},
    {optionOne: false, optionTwo, false, optionThree: null},
    {optionOne: true,  optionTwo, true,  optionThree: {property1: 9, property2: 7}},
    {optionOne: false, optionTwo, true,  optionThree: {property1: 9, property2: 7}},
    {optionOne: true,  optionTwo, false, optionThree: {property1: 9, property2: 7}},
    {optionOne: false, optionTwo, false, optionThree: {property1: 9, property2: 7}},
    {optionOne: true,  optionTwo, true,  optionThree: {property1: 4, property2: 12}},
    {optionOne: false, optionTwo, true,  optionThree: {property1: 4, property2: 12}},
    {optionOne: true,  optionTwo, false, optionThree: {property1: 4, property2: 12}},
    {optionOne: false, optionTwo, false, optionThree: {property1: 4, property2: 12}},
    {optionOne: true,  optionTwo, true,  optionThree: {property1: 16, property2: 14}},
    {optionOne: false, optionTwo, true,  optionThree: {property1: 16, property2: 14}},
    {optionOne: true,  optionTwo, false, optionThree: {property1: 16, property2: 14}},
    {optionOne: false, optionTwo, false, optionThree: {property1: 16, property2: 14}}



function getCombinations(options, optionIndex, results, current) {
    var allKeys = Object.keys(options);
    var optionKey = allKeys[optionIndex];

    var vals = options[optionKey];

    for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
        current[optionKey] = vals[i];

        if (optionIndex + 1 < allKeys.length) {
            getCombinations(options, optionIndex + 1, results, current);
        } else {
            // The easiest way to clone an object.
            var res = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(current));

    return results;


var results = getCombinations(options, 0, [], {});

這是一個有效的JSFiddle 示例

這是最近復活的,我認為現代 JS 提供了一種更簡潔的方式來編寫它。

 const crossproduct = (xss) => xss.reduce((xs, ys) => xs.flatMap(x => ys.map(y => [...x, y])), [[]]) const combinations = (o, keys = Object .keys (o), vals = Object .values (o)) => crossproduct(vals).map(xs => Object.fromEntries(xs.map ((x, i) => [keys[i], x]))) const options = {optionOne: [true, false], optionTwo: [true, false], optionThree: [null, {property1: 9, property2: 7}, {property1: 4, property2: 12}, {property1: 16, property2: 14}]} console .log (JSON .stringify ( combinations (options) , null, 4))
 .as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}


[[1, 2], ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['T', 'F']]


  [1, 'a', 'T'], [1, 'a', 'F'], [1, 'b', 'T'], [1, 'b', 'F'], [1, 'c', 'T'], [1, 'c', 'F'], 
  [2, 'a', 'T'], [2, 'a', 'F'], [2, 'b', 'T'], [2, 'b', 'F'], [2, 'c', 'T'], [2, 'c', 'F']

然后combinations使用Object.keysObject.values將我們的對象分開,將值傳遞給crossproduct ,然后對於結果中的每個數組,映射值,將相應的鍵與每個值相關聯,然后使用Object.fromEntries重新混合對象.

這個順序對我來說似乎是結果的邏輯順序。 但是,如果我們將返回的crossproduct表達式替換為以下內容,我們將得到問題中提到的順序:

  xss .reduce ((xs, ys) => ys .flatMap (y => xs .map (x => [...x, y])), [[]])

這是基於 Dmytro 的回答的改進:

function getPermutations(object, index = 0, current = {}, results = []) {
  const keys = Object.keys(object);
  const key = keys[index];
  const values = object[key];

  for (const value of values) {
    current[key] = value;
    const nextIndex = index + 1;

    if (nextIndex < keys.length) {
      this.getPermutations(object, nextIndex, current, results);
    } else {
      const result = Object.assign({}, current);
  return results;


  • 適用於任何類型的值,即使該值是一個函數
  • 默認參數值,可以很容易地調用: const p = getPermutations(object);
  • 細微的語義改進


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