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[英]Bash Script add, delete, users, directories and files

嗨,大家好,我需要為我的課堂創建一個bash腳本,而且我還沒有參加過任何教該如何做的課程。 bash腳本菜單必須具有以下內容:

Please choose one of the following option:
a- Create a File
b- Create a Directory
c- Delete a File
d- Delete a Directory
e- Create a User
f- Delete a User
q- Quit 

Enter your choice: a
     What would you like to name your file (including the path to the location to where you want the file to be): ~/Data
     ~/Data: File Created successfully.
Enter your choice: q

我嘗試自己進行搜索,但由於我從未做過搜索,所以不知道從哪里開始。 我至少知道如何執行它,並且我知道如何使用命令來完成所有這些操作,但是我不知道如何創建bash腳本文件。 我會很感激您的幫助和一些解釋,因此至少可以嘗試理解這一點。 如果有幫助,我的課使用的是最新版本的fedora。 教授還希望我們使用納米

10-15頁的報告有什么問題? 包括研究和寫作在內,您每頁看一個小時。 小菜一碟...



while [ "$SEL" != q ]; do
cat >&2 << MENU

  Enter a number to launch:
    a - Create a File
    b - Create a Directory
    c - Delete a File
    d - Delete a Directory
    e - Create a User
    f - Delete a User
    q - Exit
    printf "\n  Enter your choice: "
    read SEL
    case $SEL in
        a ) printf "\nWhat would you like to name your File?\n"
            printf "(including the path to the file location): "
            read -r fname
            [ -n $fname ] && touch "$fname" || \
            printf "error: invalid filename.\n"
            unset fname
        b ) printf "\nWhat would you like to name your Directory?\n"
            printf "(including the path to the directory location): "
            read -r dname
            [ -n $dname ] && mkdir -p "$dname" || \
            printf "error: invalid directory name.\n"
            unset dname
        c ) printf "\nWhat File would you lime to delete?\n"
            printf "(including path): "
            read -r fname
            [ -w "$fname" ] && rm "$fname" || \
            printf "error: invalid filename or insufficent permission.\n"
            unset fname
        d ) printf "\nWhat Directory would you lime to delete?\n"
            printf "(including path): "
            read -r dname
            [ -d "$dname" -a -w "$dname" ] && rm -r "$dname" || \
            printf "error: invalid directory or insufficent permission.\n"
            unset dname
        e ) printf "\nEnter user name to add: "
            read -r uname
            [ -n $uname ] && useradd $uname
            unset uname
        f ) printf "\nEnter user name to delete: "
            read -r uname
            [ -n $uname ] && userdel $uname
            unset uname
        q ) exit 0
        * ) printf "\nError. Please enter a valid selection.\n"


希望您的助教或教授能提供更多幫助。 這是一個基本程序,可能會對您有所幫助。 這不是您提交答案的方法,而是您學習的方法(請注意,我對bash知之甚少)。 我確實喜歡您借此機會解決了bash問題,而不是撰寫報告。

首先將其復制到nano中。 雖然刪除行號。 那將是一個痛苦的過程。 將文件另存為test.sh。 從命令行鍵入: chmod 755 test.sh 要運行該程序,請鍵入./test.sh


 1  #!/bin/bash
 3  # create a function that will have echo statements
 4  # to print instructions on the screen
 5  function print_menu() {
 6  echo Please choose on of the following option:
 7  echo a - Create a file
 8  echo b - Create a directory
 9  echo c - Delete a file
10  echo d - Delete a directory
11  echo e - Create a user
12  echo f - Delete a user
13  echo q - quit
14  }

至此,我們已經編寫了一個函數,可以通過使用print_menu調用該函數來重用。 您會在進一步閱讀時看到。

16  # keep on looping until user presses q
17  while true; do

我們想要顯示打印菜單,然后向用戶提問,根據答案,我們將做一些工作,然后重復顯示打印菜單和yada yada的循環。

19      # print the menu
20      print_menu
21      # ask user to choose an option
22      read -p "Enter your choice: " choice

到目前為止,我們已經向用戶顯示了菜單並要求輸入一個選項。 理想情況下,我們應該從用戶輸入等中進行錯誤檢查,但我們將在其他時間介紹這些概念。 choice是一個變量(或存儲桶),將存儲用戶鍵入的任何內容。 如果用戶鍵入a ,然后choice斗將包含a 要從該存儲桶中檢索信息,我們使用$choice

23      # based on user's choice, do variety of things
24      case $choice in
25          a)  read -p "Name of file to create: " file
26              touch $file
27              echo Created file $file
28              echo ----
29              ;;

請查看http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_07_03.html ,以獲取有關如何在bash中編寫case語句的更多信息。 我們使用此case語句評估存儲桶$choice內容。

然后我們告訴bash,如果選擇的是a ,請詢問有關要創建的文件的另一個問題。 將答案存儲在稱為文件的存儲桶中。 並使用$file使用存儲在名為file的存儲桶中的值

touch命令創建文件。 然后,我們向用戶提供一些反饋,然后通過鍵入;;結束該案例。

31          b)  read -p "Name of directory to create: " dir
32              mkdir -p $dir
33              echo Created directory $dir
34              echo ---
35              ;;
37          c)  read -p "Name of file to delete: " file
38              rm $file
39              echo Deleted file $file
40              echo ---
41              ;;
43          d)  read -p "Name of directory to delete: " dir
44              rm -rf $dir
45              echo Deleted directory $dir
46              ;;

以上所有與選擇a相同。 您可以添加更多代碼來處理其余情況。

48          q)  echo Goodbye
49              break;;

如果用戶鍵入q ,我們給予反饋,我們break從出來while循環。

51          *)  echo Nothing selected. Try again
52              ;;


53      esac
54      # sleep 3 seconds to give user time to digest the output
55      sleep 3
56  done




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