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[英]Real Time Chart Generation using epoch.js


我下面發布的代碼共有3個功能。 他們是:

雖然我具有圖表所需的正確格式的數據點。 我無法更新它。


 ///////////////this function generates the date and time in milliseconds////////// function getTimeValue() { var dateBuffer = new Date(); var Time = dateBuffer.getTime(); return Time; } ////////////// this function generates a random value //////////////////////////// function getRandomValue() { var randomValue = Math.random() * 100; return randomValue; } ////////////// this function is used to update the chart values /////////////// function updateGraph() { var newBarChartData = [{ label: "Series 1", values: [{ time: getTimeValue(), y: getRandomValue() }] }, ]; barChartInstance.push(newBarChartData); } ////////////// real time graph generation//////////////////////////////////////// var barChartData = [{ label: "Series 1", values: [{ time: getTimeValue(), y: getRandomValue() }] }, ]; var barChartInstance = $('#barChart').epoch({ type: 'time.bar', axes: ['right', 'bottom', 'left'], data: barChartData }); 
 <head> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.js"> </script> <script src="http://www.goldhillcoldtouch.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/d3.min.js"> </script> <script src="http://www.goldhillcoldtouch.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/epoch.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.goldhillcoldtouch.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/epoch.min.css"> </head> <div id="barChart" class="epoch category10" style="width:320px; height: 240px;"></div> <p id="updateMessage" onclick="updateGraph()">click me to update chart</p> 

更新圖形時,您將錯誤的對象推入barChartInstance 您只需要推送包含新數據點的陣列,而不是再次推送完整配置即可。

function updateGraph() {
  var newBarChartData = [{time: getTimeValue(), y:getRandomValue()}];

  /* Wrong: don't use the full configuration for an update.
  var newBarChartData = [{
    label: "Series 1",
    values: [{
      time: getTimeValue(),
      y: getRandomValue()
  }, ];

 ///////////////this function generates the date and time in milliseconds////////// function getTimeValue() { var dateBuffer = new Date(); var Time = dateBuffer.getTime(); return Time; } ////////////// this function generates a random value //////////////////////////// function getRandomValue() { var randomValue = Math.random() * 100; return randomValue; } ////////////// this function is used to update the chart values /////////////// function updateGraph() { var newBarChartData = [{time: getTimeValue(), y:getRandomValue()}]; /* var newBarChartData = [{ label: "Series 1", values: [{ time: getTimeValue(), y: getRandomValue() }] }, ]; */ barChartInstance.push(newBarChartData); } ////////////// real time graph generation//////////////////////////////////////// var barChartData = [{ label: "Series 1", values: [{ time: getTimeValue(), y: getRandomValue() }] }, ]; var barChartInstance = $('#barChart').epoch({ type: 'time.bar', axes: ['right', 'bottom', 'left'], data: barChartData }); 
 <head> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.js"> </script> <script src="http://www.goldhillcoldtouch.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/d3.min.js"> </script> <script src="http://www.goldhillcoldtouch.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/epoch.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.goldhillcoldtouch.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/epoch.min.css"> </head> <div id="barChart" class="epoch category10" style="width:320px; height: 240px;"></div> <p id="updateMessage" onclick="updateGraph()">click me to update chart</p> 


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