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用jquery / json填充下拉列表

[英]Populating a dropdown with jquery/json


我已經構建了一個包含數千個項目的JSON文件,並且希望能夠動態填充該文件在各個頁面上的下拉菜單,並稍后根據之前的選擇動態填充下拉菜單。 我對此進行了徹底研究,但似乎我發現的大多數教程和問題似乎都不以這種特定方式起作用。 本質上,我加載了頁面,但項目無法填充; 也就是說,下拉列表為空。 控制台僅顯示一個錯誤,根據我能找到的所有信息,該錯誤指示CDN尚未加載。 因此,這里是:

    <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
     <select id="mainhand"></select>
     <select id="offhand"></select>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
                //request the JSON data and parse into the select element
                $.getJSON('http://nodtools.net/stats.json', function(obj) {

                            //iterate over the data and append a select option
                            $.each(data.item, function(key, value) {
                                    // set the value of option to each item in the list as you iterate through
                                    var option = $('<option><option/>').val(value.name).text(value.name);
                                    // almost any of them can be added to the main hand
                                    if (value.type == 'slash' || value.type == 'crush' || value.type == 'pierce' || value.type == 'whip' || value.type == 'staff') {
                                    // only shields and 1h weapons can be in off hand
                                    if (value.hands == 1 || value.type == 'shield') {

                                        // continue on for all types: bow, arrow, quiver, etc.





$(document).ready(function() {
                //request the JSON data and parse into the select element
                $.getJSON('http://nodtools.net/stats.json', function(obj) {

                            //iterate over the data and append a select option
                            $.each(data.item, function(key, value) {
                                    // set the value of option to each item in the list as you iterate through
                                    var option = $('<option><option/>').val(value.name).text(value.name);
                                    // almost any of them can be added to the main hand
                                    if (value.type == 'slash' || 
                                        value.type == 'crush' ||
                                        value.type == 'pierce' ||
                                        value.type == 'whip' ||
                                        value.type == 'staff') 
                                    // only shields and 1h weapons can be in off hand
                                    if (value.hands == 1 || value.type == 'shield') {

                                        // continue on for all types: bow, arrow, quiver, etc.



我已經更新了Alex Berd提供的JSFiddle,它應該填充兩個下拉列表: 此處。

您不能(准確地)將它們都填充在同一$.each(/**/)塊中,盡管我不能確切地告訴您為什么不這樣做。 我確定其他人可以清除。


$(document).ready(function () {
   //iterate over the data and append a select option
    $.each(items, function (key, value) {
    // set the value of option to each item in the list as you iterate through
    var option = $('<option>').val(this.name).text(this.name);
    // almost any of them can be added to the main hand
    if (items.type != 'shield' && items.type != 'bow' /* etc. */) {

    //iterate over the data and append a select option
    $.each(items, function (key, value) {
        // set the value of option to each item in the list as you iterate through
        var option = $('<option>').val(this.name).text(this.name);
        // only shields and 1h weapons can be in off hand
        if (this.hands == 1 || this.type == 'shield') {
     * continue on for all types: bow, arrow, quiver, etc.




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