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[英]Add digits and count letters of a string (segmentation fault)

作為作業的一部分,我必須編寫一個程序,從用戶那里獲取一個字符串,並打印出該字符串中的字母數以及該字符串中數字的總和。 例如,如果我輸入abc123作為我的字符串,程序應該告訴我有 3 個字母並且數字的總和是6 (3+2+1)。 程序必須使用核心遞歸函數(即函數相互調用)。 到目前為止,我的代碼如下:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

//Function prototypes
void countAlph(char str[], int, int);
void sumDigits(char str[], int, int);

int main(void)
    //Create an array that can hold 25 characters
    char anStr[25];
    int inputSize;

    //Get string from user
    printf("Enter an alphanumeric string:\n");
    scanf("%s", anStr);

    //Get size (# of elements in the array)
    inputSize = strlen(anStr);

    //Function call
    countAlph(anStr, inputSize, 0); //pass the string, size of the string, and 0 (first index position)

//function that counts # of letters
void countAlph(char str[], int size, int currentIndex)
    //use ASCII codes!

    int alphaCount = 0, i;

    if(currentIndex < size)
        for(i=0; i<size; i++)
            if((str[i] >= 65 && str[i] <= 90) || (str[i] >= 97 && str[i] <= 122)) //if element is a letter
                alphaCount++; //increase # of letters by 1
            else if(str[i] >= 48 && str[i] <= 57) //if element is NOT a letter
                sumDigits(str, size, i); //go to the sumDigits function
    printf("There are %d letters in this string\n", alphaCount);

//function that adds all the digits together
void sumDigits(char str[], int size, int currentIndex)
    //use ASCII codes!

    int sum = 0, i;

    if(currentIndex < size)
        for(i=0; i<size; i++)
            if(str[i] >= 48 && str[i] <= 57) //if element is a digit
                //I found the line of code below online after searching how to convert from ASCII to int
                str[i] = str[i] - '0'; //this converts the ascii value of the element to the decimal value
                sum = sum + str[i]; //add that digit to the running sum
            else if((str[i] >= 65 && str[i] <= 90) || (str[i] >= 97 && str[i] <= 122)) //if element is NOT a number
                countAlph(str, size, i); //go to the countAlph function
    printf("The sum of the digits of this string is %d\n", sum);

如果我的字符串只包含數字或字母,我的程序可以正常工作。 但是,如果我輸入一個字母數字字符串,例如"abc123"則會出現分段錯誤。 關於我做錯了什么的任何想法? 我認為這個問題與我的循環邏輯有關,但我不是 100% 確定。

你的兩個函數互相調用。 每個都將currentIndex傳遞給另一個,但每個都忽略它從另一個獲取的currentIndex並從i = 0





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