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[英]BLE Trouble Supporting Different Android Devices

我們正在創建一個使用Bluegiga BLE113連接到設備的Android應用。 將設備與某些Android設備配對時遇到問題。 三星設備似乎沒有問題,但Oneplus和LG等其他設備並非總是合作。 即使沒有PIN或密碼,我們也會收到諸如“由於PIN或密碼不正確而無法配對”或“配對被拒絕”之類的通知。



即:在BGScript中call sm_set_bondable_mode(1)

如果是這樣,如果綁定信息不同步,您可能會收到“配對被拒絕”的信息。 要解決此問題,請嘗試使用以下方法清除綁定信息:

call sm_delete_bonding(handle)(result)


  1. 配對BLE113和Android
  2. 斷開BLE113與Android的連接
  3. 在Android上“取消配對” BLE113
  4. 在Android上重啟藍牙電源
  5. 嘗試重新連接






# Connection and Pairing
dim is_connected
dim current_bond_handle

const LED_PIN = $01  # P0_0
const LED_PORT = 0


const TICKS_PER_SECOND = 32760

# Incoming data event listener
event attributes_value(connection, reason, handle, offset, value_len, value_data)

    if handle = device_reset then
        # Command 1 received, reset device
        if value_data(0:1) = 1 then  
            call system_reset(0)
        end if
    end if

event system_boot(major, minor, patch, build, ll_version, protocol_version, hw)

    is_connected = 0
    current_bond_handle = $ff

    # configure P0.0 as output, others as input
    call hardware_io_port_config_direction(LED_PORT, LED_PIN)

    # Set advertisement interval
    call gap_set_adv_parameters(320, 480, 7)

    # Put module into discoverable/connectable mode
    call gap_set_mode(gap_general_discoverable, gap_undirected_connectable)

    # Set Bondable mode
    call sm_set_bondable_mode(1)

    # Turn on the LED
    call hardware_io_port_write(LED_PORT, LED_PIN, LED_PIN)

event hardware_soft_timer(handle) 
    # Other side hasn't tried an encrypted link yet even though we are
    # bonded as far as we know, so try to start it from this end
    if handle = ENCRYPTION_TIMER_HANDLE then
        call sm_encrypt_start(0, 1)
    end if 

# Custom read requests
event attributes_user_read_request(connection, handle, offset, maxsize)

    if handle = xgatt_encrypted_value then 
        call attributes_user_read_response(connection, 0, 1, ENCRYPTED_VALUE)
    end if

event connection_status(connection, flags, address, address_type, conn_interval, timeout, latency, bonding)
    # Set up a connection interval of between 6*1.25ms to 10*1.25ms (7.5-12.5ms)
    # Android and iOS respond to connection interval updates, but cannot set them (they also have minimums)
    if is_connected = 0 then
        call connection_update(connection, 6, 10, latency, timeout)
    end if
    is_connected = 1

    # Use whatever bonding handle we're given (used in case of bond failure)
    current_bond_handle = bonding

    # If we're not yet encrypted, request encryption 
    if (flags & $02) != $02 then 
         # Request encryption if not encrypted already
        if bonding = $ff then
            call sm_encrypt_start(connection, 1)
            # Start one-shot encryption attempt timer in case the remote side doesn't attempt an encrypted link within 1 second 
            # (this might happen if you bond with a smartphone and then remove the pairing info from the phone side, but not the local module side)
            # Only seems to work on iOS - Android rejects the pairing a few times - works eventually...
        end if
    end if

# Disconnection event listener
event connection_disconnected(handle, result)

    # Reset the current_bond_handle
    current_bond_handle = $ff

    # Make peripheral discoverable
    call gap_set_mode(gap_general_discoverable, gap_undirected_connectable)

event sm_bonding_fail(handle, result)

    # If bonding fails, handle it gracefully based on the following possible results:
    # - 0x018B - Out of bonds (no space left, all 8 bonding slots taken)
    # - 0x0205 - Authentication failure (shouldn't happen with "just works" mode, but might otherwise)
    # - 0x0206 - Pin or key missing (probably local or remote device is missing the key, but not both)
    # - 0x0301 - Passkey entry failed (also shouldn't happen in "just works" mode unless bonding is cancelled)
    # - 0x0302 - OOB data not available (only occurs if OOB is required and not supported on both ends)
    # - 0x0303 - Authentication requirements (I/O capabilities required but not supported)
    # - 0x0304 - Confirm value failed (PIN entry/comparison attempted but failed)
    # - 0x0305 - Pairing not supported (also occurs if bond info removed from remote device but not local module)
    # - 0x0306 - Encryption key size (key size insufficient to meet security requirements)
    # - 0x0307 - Command not supported (SMP command is not supported on this device)
    # - 0x0308 - Unspecified reason (may occur if bond info is present remotely but not locally)
    # - 0x0309 - Repeated attempts (too little time has elapsed since last pairing/security request)
    # - 0x030A - Invalid parameters (bad parameters sent during pairing/bonding process)

    # NOTE: The most common cases:
    # - 0x018B, which means you ran out of space and must remove at least one bond in order to bond again
    # - 0x0206, which typically means the pairing info was removed on the remote device but not locally
    # - 0x0301, which typically means the user cancelled the pairing request or entered the wrong passkey
    # - 0x0305, which is like 0x0206 but is often generated instead if the remote device is a smartphone
    # - 0x0308, which typically means the pairing info was removed on the local device but not remotely
    if result = $018b then
        # Only solved by removing bonds - requires the user to reset the bonds...
    end if

    if result = $0301 then
        # Usually solved simply by trying again
        # Seems to solve most problems on iOS 
        # On Android, pairing rejected a few times if Android deleted pairing without informing device
        call sm_encrypt_start(0, 1)
    end if

    if result = $0305 || result = $0206 then
        # Remove local bonding info first, then the remote device needs to reconnect
        # If current_bond_handle is $ff, that means we don't have a bonding handle - so not much we can do
        if current_bond_handle != $ff then
            call sm_delete_bonding(current_bond_handle)
        end if

        # Sometimes takes a few tries
        call connection_disconnect(0)
    end if

    if result = $0308 then
        # Remove remote bonding info first, then the remote device needs to reconnect
        # Android can recover automatically, iOS cannot
        # Instead of disconnecting, just force a re-encryption... Usually works
        call sm_encrypt_start(0, 1)
    end if


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