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[英]Check which words from a list could be formed with a string of letters

系統:Mac Python 2.7

嗨,所以我有一個列表 ,其中包含我在網上找到的英語詞典中的單詞。 接下來,我有一串 小寫字母 我想做的是找到列表(英語詞典)中所有由字符串中的字母組成的單詞,並將它們保存到單獨的列表中。 另外,我也不想重復使用字母(膠水->歡樂合唱團),但是給定的字母可以重新排列。 示例字符串可以是“ hideg”,結果應生成一個包含以下內容的列表:



def validWord(myWord, myLetters): 

    myLetters = "".join(sorted(myLetters))
    matches = []
    for i in myWord:

        if "".join(sorted(i)) in myLetters:


    return matches

您的代碼中的問題是,您正在比較完全匹配,在大多數情況下,即完全不使用字母。 hide!= hideg,但是它當然可以構成單詞。

一種簡單的方法(盡管未優化)是利用collections.Counter ,如下所示:

In [32]: from collections import Counter

In [33]: words = ['hide','hid','hie','dig','eh','he','hi','die','ed','id','i']

In [34]: letters = 'hide'

In [35]: def valid_word(words, letters):
   ....:     results = []
             # looping through words list and do a comparison
   ....:     for word in words:
                 # build a letter counter for letters
   ....:         letter_counter = Counter(letters)
                 # subtract their letter count, -ve means cannot form the word
   ....:         letter_counter.subtract(Counter(word))
   ....:         if any(c < 0 for c in letter_counter.values()):
   ....:             continue
                 # only append the result if >=0 letters left in counter
   ....:         results.append(word)
   ....:     return results


In [36]: valid_word(words, letters)
Out[36]: ['hide', 'hid', 'hie', 'eh', 'he', 'hi', 'die', 'ed', 'id', 'i']

In [37]: valid_word(words, 'hideg')
Out[37]: ['hide', 'hid', 'hie', 'dig', 'eh', 'he', 'hi', 'die', 'ed', 'id', 'i']


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