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WsAdmin.sh在第0行上返回Traceback沒有代碼對象…NODE =

[英]WsAdmin.sh returning Traceback no code object on line 0 … NODE =

我在Unix / Mainframe上有以下簡單的jython腳本。 我通過touch命令創建了文件,然后通過UdList對其進行了編輯。 我正在從OMVS shell調用wsadmin stragh。 無論我用NODE = xyz編寫什么內容,我總是會收到以下錯誤。

$ cd /WebSphere/was85/dtl85cel/certainNode/DeploymentManager/profiles/default
$ cd bin
$ sh wsadmin.sh -lang jython -user myUser -password myPWD-f /usr/MyCompany
WASX7209I: Connected to process "dmgr" on node certainNode using RMI connector;  Th
e type of process is: DeploymentManager
WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "/usr/MyCompanyApps/myTeam/in.py
"; exception information: com.ibm.bsf.BSFException: exception from Jython:
Traceback (innermost last):
  (no code object) at line 0
  File "<string>", line 2
         NODE = "wlemyAppa"
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


000001, APP_NAME = "DVL-MYAPP"
000002, NODE = "wlemyAppa"
000004, EARFILE = "/WebSphereDevelopment/MYAPP/dtl/curr/warfiles/MyAppEAR.ear"
000005, APPOPTS = " -nopreCompileJSPs "
000006, APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-installed.ear.destination "
000007, APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "/WebSphereDevelopment/MYAPP/dtl/curr/deployment/ "
000008, APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-distributeApp "
000009, APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-nouseMetaDataFromBinary "
000010, APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-nodeployejb "
000011, APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-appname DVL-MYAPP "
000012, APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-createMBeansForResources "
000013, APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-noreloadEnabled "
000014, APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-nodeployws "
000015,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-validateinstall warn "
000016,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-processEmbeddedConfig "
000017,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-filepermission "
000018,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + ".*\.dll=755#.*\.so=755#.*\.a=755#.*\.sl=755 "
000019,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-noallowDispatchRemoteInclude "
000020,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-noallowServiceRemoteInclude "
000021,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-asyncRequestDispatchType DISABLED "
000022,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-nouseAutoLink "
000023,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-contextroot / "
000024,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "-MapModulesToServers "
000025,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + " MyApp MyApp.war,WEB-INF/web.xml WebSphere:"
000026,APPOPTS = APPOPTS + "cell=dtl85cel,node=myNode,server=WLEMYAPP "
000028,AdminApp.install(EARFILE, APPOPTS)

我刪除了前導空格,但仍然停留在此消息上:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:WASX7122 E:找不到預期的“-”。 -nopreCompileJSPs -installed.ear.destination / WebSphereDevelopment / MYAPP / dtl / curr / deployment / -distributeApp -nouseMetaDataFromBinary -nodeployejb -appname DVL-myApp -createMBeansForResources -noreloadEnabled -nodeployws -validateinstall warn-processEpermission。 .dll = 755#。 .so = 755#。 .a = 755#。 .sl = 755 -noallowDispatchRemoteInclude -noallowServiceRemoteInclude -asyncRequestDispatchType DISABLED -nouseAutoLink -contextroot / -MapModulesToServers MyApp MyApp.war,WEB-INF / web.xml WebSphere:cell = dtl85cel,node = wlemyAppa,server = WLEMYAPP

您發布的腳本中永遠不會使用APP_NAME, NODESERVER變量。 您可以嘗試完全刪除它們嗎?

可能有一些無效的字符被放入上一行。 我還假設您放置的行號僅供STO問題中的參考,否則,這可能是語法錯誤的原因。

我認為您有一個縮進問題,請注意第15行的行距比上面的行少一個。 刪除前14行中的前導空格,我認為它將清除。


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