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[英]Why would you assign a variable to “”?


創建一個名為most_classes的函數,該函數需要一個教師詞典。 每個鍵都是老師的名字,其值是他們所教課程的列表。 most_classes應該返回班級最多的老師。

在這里,我發布了以下正確的代碼,這些代碼是我在Treehouse論壇上的資源中找到的,並且我也提出了相同的問題,但沒有得到答復-那么分配教師=“”到底有什么用? 我感到很困惑

 # The dictionary will be something like:
 # {'Jason Seifer': ['Ruby Foundations', 'Ruby on Rails Forms', 'Technology Foundations'],
 #  'Kenneth Love': ['Python Basics', 'Python Collections']}

 # Often, it's a good idea to hold onto a max_count variable.
 # Update it when you find a teacher with more classes than
 # the current count. Better hold onto the teacher name somewhere
 # too!

def most_classes(my_dict):
    count = 0
    teacher = "" #this is where I am confused!
    for key in my_dict: 
        if(len(my_dict[key]) > count):
            count = len(my_dict[key])
            teacher = key   

    return teacher


teacher = ""確保如果my_dict為空,則在未設置teacher = key情況下不會退出for循環。 否則,如果my_dict為空,則無需設置將返回teacher




UnboundLocalError: local variable 'teacher' referenced before assignment


def most_classes(my_dict):
    count = 0
    teacher = "" # this is where I am confused!
    for key in my_dict:
        if(len(my_dict[key]) > count):
            count = len(my_dict[key])
            teacher = key

    return teacher

def most_classes_cavalier(my_dict):
    count = 0
    for key in my_dict:
        if(len(my_dict[key]) > count):
            count = len(my_dict[key])
            teacher = key

    return teacher

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dic = {'Jason Seifer': ['Ruby Foundations', 'Ruby on Rails Forms', 'Technology Foundations'],
           'Kenneth Love': ['Python Basics', 'Python Collections']}
    print "The teacher with most classes is - " + most_classes(dic)
    print "The teacher with most classes is - " + most_classes_cavalier(dic)
    dic = {}
    print "The teacher with most classes is - " + most_classes(dic)
    print "The teacher with most classes is - " + most_classes_cavalier(dic)


The teacher with most classes is - Jason Seifer
The teacher with most classes is - Jason Seifer
The teacher with most classes is -
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "experiment.py", line 30, in <module>
    print "The teacher with most classes is - " + most_classes_cavalier(dic)
  File "experiment.py", line 20, in most_classes_cavalier
    return teacher
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'teacher' referenced before assignment

我看到@ martijn-pieters已經提供了解釋,但是在這種情況下,Python解釋器會為您更快地完成該解釋。


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