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[英]Registering a Bower package from a private Git repository to a Private Bower host

我在一家使用私有Git存儲庫的企業工作,我們在VPN內有一個私有Bower服務器,可以正確緩存公共包( Docker私有Bower服務器無法訪問Git )。


bower register our-assets git://our-host:6789/our-assets
bower our-assets#*      resolve git://our-host:6789/our-assets#*
bower our-assets#*      ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://our-host:6789/our-assets", exit code of #128 fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /our-assets

我還在URL參數中嘗試了“ @”:

bower register our-assets git@our-host:6789/our-assets
bower our-assets#*      resolve git@our-host:6789/our-assets#*
bower our-assets#*      ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git@our-host:6789/our-assets", exit code of #128 Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.  Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists


我對Bower,Docker等一無所知,但是通過閱讀輸出,我懷疑它是否確實與這些東西有關。 相反,它似乎純粹是一個Git /網絡/設置問題。

我建議您刪除這些層並專注於問題的核心,從輸出來看,這似乎是Git無法執行獲取的。 因此,請嘗試查看它抱怨的命令是否也自行失敗,如果確實失敗,請首先解決該問題:

$ git ls-remote --tags --heads git://our-host:6789/our-assets
$ git ls-remote --tags --heads git@our-host:6789/our-assets


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