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[英]Dir loop missing one file in specified folder

我已經編寫了一個宏來處理指定文件夾中所有文件中的數據。 但是,它會跳過文件夾中的第一個文件。 問題是在此行上引用了第一個文件:

FileName = Dir(path)


FileName = Dir()


Sub data_gatherer() 'skips ESAM_50

    'Removes unrealistic data and sums the no. starts/hours run for each pump stream
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

        Dim sheet As Worksheet
        Dim calcSheet As Worksheet
        Dim path As String
        Dim ColCount As Integer
        Dim StreamCode As String
        Dim StreamSum As Double
        Dim NextRow As Double
        Dim FilePath As String
        Dim FileName As String
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim SumRange As range
        Dim SheetName As String
        Dim sSrcFolder As String

        sSrcFolder = "C:\IRIS MACRO TEST ZONE\SPS IRIS Bulk Data\" ' unprocessed data

        path = sSrcFolder & "*.csv" 'files withing sSrcFolder
        FileName = Dir(path)

        Do While FileName <> ""

            FileName = Dir() '''''skips first file here'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
            FilePath = sSrcFolder & FileName

                If FilePath = "C:\IRIS MACRO TEST ZONE\SPS IRIS Bulk Data\" Then ''' avoids error message for " .csv"
                    Exit Do
                End If

                Workbooks.Open (FilePath) 'error here - looks for "" filename

            SheetName = Left(FileName, 10)

                With Workbooks(FileName).Sheets(SheetName)
                    ColCount = .Cells(3, .Columns.count).End(xlToLeft).Column 'COUNT COLUMNS WITH DATA need to start with col 2
                    For i = 2 To ColCount 'i=2 to avoid date column

                            Call data_cleaner_all(FileName, SheetName, i)
                            Call StreamCalcs(NextRow, FileName, SheetName, SumRange, i)

                    Next i

                End With

             Workbooks(FileName).Saved = True

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    End Sub

FileName = Dir()放在循環的末尾 ,緊接在




FileName = Dir()FileName = Dir(path)之間的含義有什么區別?

Dir(path)初始化Dir函數,並返回第一個文件/文件夾名稱。 Dir()始終是對之前的Dir(path)的后續調用,並返回下一個文件/文件夾。

如果您在未調用Dir(path) Dir()情況下調用Dir(path) ,則會出現運行時錯誤。


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