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[英]Count the number of cells with both specific fill color and cell value


Function CountColorValue(CountRange As Range, CountColor As Range, CountVAlue As Range)

  Dim numbers As Long
  Dim Cell As Range

  Set rCell = CountRange

  For Each rCell In CountRange
    If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = Color Then
      If rCell.Value = Value Then
        numbers = numbers + 1
      End If

      GetColorCount = TotalCount

End Function

謙虛地建議您進入VBE的“工具”►“選項”,然后在“編輯器”屬性頁上,在“ 要求變量聲明”旁邊打勾。 這將幫助您避免拼寫錯誤或完全省略所使用變量的名稱。

Function CountColorValue(CountRange As Range, CountColor As Range, CountValue As Range)

    Dim iNumbers As Long
    Dim rCell As Range

    For Each rCell In CountRange
        If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = CountColor.Interior.ColorIndex Then
            If rCell.Value2 = CountValue.Value2 Then
                iNumbers = iNumbers + 1
            End If
        End If
    Next rCell

    CountColorValue = iNumbers

End Function



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