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[英]typescript parse json with class and interface


我想從JSON響應初始化類。 我正在使用angular-http來獲取打字稿中的JSON


 class AppComponent { result: { [key: string]: string; }; map: Map<Object,Object>; constructor(http: Http) { http.get('http://localhost/wptest/wp-json/wp/v2/posts').subscribe(res => { this.result = <any>res.json(); this.map = <any>res.json(); console.log(this.result); console.log(this.map); }); } } 

注意:我仍然感到困惑的是我的JSON哪個是正確的類型我讀到的打字稿還沒有支持Map ,但是它在這里工作的result: {[key:string]: string; }; result: {[key:string]: string; };

我試着查看stackoverflow,我發現這個問題如何將一個json對象轉換為打字稿 ,答案與打字稿無關。


答案是談論在打字稿中創建接口。 (我不太明白。)


 declare module namespace { export interface Guid { rendered: string; } export interface Title { rendered: string; } export interface Content { rendered: string; } export interface Excerpt { rendered: string; } export interface Self { href: string; } export interface Collection { href: string; } export interface Author { embeddable: boolean; href: string; } export interface Reply { embeddable: boolean; href: string; } export interface VersionHistory { href: string; } export interface Links { self: Self[]; collection: Collection[]; author: Author[]; replies: Reply[]; } export interface RootObject { id: number; date: Date; guid: Guid; modified: Date; modified_gmt: Date; slug: string; type: string; link: string; title: Title; content: Content; excerpt: Excerpt; author: number; featured_image: number; comment_status: string; ping_status: string; sticky: boolean; format: string; _links: Links; } } 


問:這是將JSON解析為打字稿中的類對象的正確方法嗎? 如果是,使用數據初始化類的下一步是什么?

您絕對應該使用接口來描述您的DTO(數據傳輸對象)。 看起來json2ts在描述你的JSON結構方面做得很好。 現在,因為http服務為您創建了對象,所以您不必創建新對象...您只需將其強制轉換為您的界面,如下所示:

class AppComponent {
  dataFromServer : RootObject;

  http.get('http://localhost/wptest/wp-json/wp/v2/posts').subscribe(res => {
    this.dataFromServer = <RootObject>res.json();

從那時起,當您嘗試訪問來自服務器的任何數據時,TypeScript將防止您犯任何錯誤。 例如:

this.dataFromServer.age = 45; // Error: age doesn't exist in the RootObject interface
this.id = "Hello"; // Error, id was is a number, and you try to put string into it.
this.id = 100; // will be just fine.


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