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[英]How to verify didReceiveMemoryWarning function in kiwi bdd test cases?

我面臨的問題是要驗證是否使用獼猴桃測試用例接收了內存警告功能。 如何驗證功能?

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];



it(@"Should cleanup when receiving a memory warning", ^{
    [controller didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    // assert here that the data that you expected was released


或者,您可以檢查單元測試應用程序的內存使用情況,並在模擬內存警告后查看內存是否減少了。 這不如第一種方法准確,但可以給您一些提示。 而且,您還需要確保控制器將在屏幕上呈現,或者至少使其認為已呈現,然后開始構建視圖/表格視圖單元等。

it(@"Should cleanup when receiving a memory warning", ^{
    vm_size_t memoryBeforeMemWarning;
    vm_size_t memoryAfterMemWarning;
    MyController *controller = nil;

    @autoreleasepool {
        controller = ...;
        // call controller.view, or other methods that create the view
        // also call any other methods that trigger subview creation

        memoryBeforeMemWarning = getMemUsage();
        //simulate the memory warning
        [controller didReceiveMemoryWarning];
    memoryAfterMemWarning = getMemUsage();

    // reference the variable here to make sure ARC doesn't
    // release it when it detects its last reference
    controller = nil;

    // now assert upon the difference between the two reported memory usages

您需要使用一個autorelease pool具有了與創建對象的控制autorelease ,因為這些物體會當你得到釋放autorelease pool范圍結束時的主,而不是autorelease pool被耗盡。
注意。 我沒有添加getMemUsage()的實現,您可以在此處了解如何實現它。


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