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[英]Query Returns Success But no Rows Updated

我目前遇到查詢返回成功的問題,但是當我檢查SQL數據庫時沒有發生實際更新。 奇怪的是,當我將相同的確切查詢復制到phpMyAdmin中時,成功返回了響應,並且查詢工作正常,行已更新。 注意:我很清楚SQL注入的高風險,但是由於某些原因mysqli_escape_string無法正常工作,因此在進入生產階段時我會為此擔心。


$fave = json_decode($_POST['af']);
$unfave = json_decode($_POST['uf']);
$fave = "'".implode("','", $fave)."'";
$unfave = "'".implode("','", $unfave)."'";
if ($fave !== "''"){
    $fq     = "UPDATE post SET fave='1' WHERE 'an_id' IN ($fave) AND bid='$bizusr' AND fave='0'";
    $r_fq   = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $fq);
    $ar_fq  = mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]);   
} else {
    $r_fq = 1;
    $ar_fq = 0;
if ($unfave !== "''"){
    $ufq    = "UPDATE post SET fave='0' WHERE 'an_id' IN ($unfave) AND bid='$bizusr' AND fave='1'";
    $r_ufq  = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $ufq);
    $ar_ufq = mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]);   
} else {
    $r_ufq = 1;
    $ar_ufq = 0;
if ($r_fq && $r_ufq){
    $output = json_encode(array('type'=>'error', 'text' => "Favourites have been updated successfully. You've added $ar_fq favorites and removed $ar_ufq favorites." ));
if (!$r_fq && $r_ufq){
    $output = json_encode(array('type'=>'error', 'text' => "We've successfully favorited $ar_fq links, however there was an issue in unfavoriting some links, try refreshing." ));
if ($r_fq && !$r_ufq){
    $output = json_encode(array('type'=>'error', 'text' => "We've successfully unfavorited $ar_ufq links, however there was an issue in favoriting some links, try refreshing." ));
if (!$r_fq && !$r_ufq){
    $output = json_encode(array('type'=>'error', 'text' => "There was an error in updating your favorited links." ));
//        $un = mysqli_prepare($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE analytics SET fave='0' WHERE an_id IN (?) AND bid= ? AND fave='1'");
//        $fa = mysqli_prepare($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE analytics SET fave='1' WHERE an_id IN (?) AND bid= ? AND fave='0'");
//        mysqli_stmt_bind_param($un, 'ss', $unfave, $blockject);
//        $a = mysqli_stmt_execute($un);
//        mysqli_stmt_close($un);
//        mysqli_stmt_bind_param($fa, 'ss', $fave, $blockject);
//        $b = mysqli_stmt_execute($fa);
//        mysqli_stmt_close($fa);

變量$fave$unfave將返回如下值: 'abcd123','dcba321','hello123' ,這將使查詢看起來像這樣:

UPDATE post SET fave='0' WHERE 'an_id' IN ('abcd123','dcba321','hello123') AND bid='$bizusr' AND fave='1';

現在,將查詢輸入phpMyAdmin可以正常工作,但是通過php進行查詢時,響應返回成功,但是實際上沒有行被更新,因此我不確定發生了什么,因為我的php error.log是否干凈吹口哨。

另外,如果您想知道將我連接到數據庫的我的require_once connection.php文件是什么樣子,請執行以下操作:

$link = ($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"] = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST,  DB_USER,  DB_PASSWORD));
if(!$link) {
    die('Failed to connect to server: ' . ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)));

//Select database
$db = ((bool)mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "USE " . constant('DB_DATABASE')));
if(!$db) {
    die("Unable to select database");

愚蠢的我,我不確定為什么它會返回成功的查詢,但是問題是將列ID an_id在單引號中


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