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[英]How do I get another counter?

我正在嘗試比較C ++和MASM之間的冒泡排序。 我的C ++工作正常。 但是,使用MASM,我需要在loopSwap中使用另一個計數器,但是我不知道該如何處理。



C ++代碼:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int deepBlueDecend(int* num, int size);
int deepBlueAscend(int* num, int size);
//int setArray(int* num, int size);

    int KasparovAscend(int *, int);
    int KasparovDecend(int *, int);

int main()
    int ascOrDec = 2, size = 0;
    cout << "How big do you want the array to be sorted? ";
    cin >> size;

    int* myArray = 0;
    myArray = new int[size];
    int* asmArray = 0;
    asmArray = new int[size];

    srand((unsigned)time(0));                       // gets actually random numbers somehow
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)                  //populates the arrays with random numbers
        myArray[i] = rand();
        asmArray[i] = myArray[i];

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) cout << asmArray[i] << " "; //displays asmArray[]
    cout << endl;

    while (ascOrDec < 0 || ascOrDec > 1)            //test if ascending or decending has been chosen
        cout << "Ascending (0) or decending(1)? ";
        cin >> ascOrDec;        
        if (ascOrDec == 0 || ascOrDec == 1)

    cout << endl;
    if (ascOrDec == 0)
        KasparovAscend(asmArray, size);

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) cout << asmArray[i] << " "; //to see if anything changed in the assembly sort
        cout << endl;

        clock_t startTime = clock();
        deepBlueAscend(myArray, size);
        clock_t endTime = clock();
        clock_t clockTicksTaken = endTime - startTime;
        double timeInSeconds = clockTicksTaken / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) cout << myArray[i] << " "; //to see if anything changed in the C++ sort
        cout << "\nTime Taken for c++: " << clockTicksTaken << endl;
        clock_t startTime = clock();
        deepBlueDecend(myArray, size);
        clock_t endTime = clock();
        clock_t clockTicksTaken = endTime - startTime;
        double timeInSeconds = clockTicksTaken / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
        cout << "\nTime Taken for c++: " << clockTicksTaken << endl;

    return 0;

int deepBlueAscend(int* arr, int size)
    int i, j, flag = 1;    // set flag to 1 to start first pass
    int temp;             // holding variable

    for (i = 1; (i <= size) && flag; i++)
        flag = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < (size - 1); j++)
            if (arr[j + 1] < arr[j])      // ascending order <
                temp = arr[j];             // swap elements
                arr[j] = arr[j + 1];
                arr[j + 1] = temp;
                flag = 1;               // indicates that a swap occurred.
    return 0;

int deepBlueDecend(int* arr, int size)
    int i, j, flag = 1;    // set flag to 1 to start first pass
    int temp;             // holding variable

    for (i = 1; (i <= size) && flag == 1; i++)
        flag = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < (size - 1); j++)
            if (arr[j + 1] > arr[j])      // decending order  >
                temp = arr[j];             // swap elements
                arr[j] = arr[j + 1];
                arr[j + 1] = temp;
                flag = 1;               // indicates that a swap occurred.
    return 0;


.model flat

_help PROC ; named _test because C automaticedxly prepends an underscode, it is needed to interoperate
    push ebp
    mov ebp,esp ; stack pointer to ebp

    mov ebx, [ebp+8] ; address of first array element
    mov ecx, [ebp+12] ; number of elements in array
    mov ebp, ecx
    mov edx, 0
    mov eax, 0
    push edi    ;save this
    push ebx    ;save this

    mov edi, ebx    ;make a copy of first element in array
    add edi, 4      ;move 4 to find second element

    mov edx, [ebx]  ;move first element into edx
    mov eax, [edi]  ;move second element into eax

    dec ecx
    cmp ecx, 0
    je AllDone

                    ;set counter in loopSwap to be 0 when first entered

        inc ebp             ;increment
        cmp ecx, eax        ;compares counter to number of elements
        je LoopTraverse 

        cmp edx, eax        ;comparing the two values
        jg NextElements

        push ecx            ;stores eax so it can be used for later
        push edx            ;stores edx so it can be used later

        xchg ebx, edi           ;trade the two elements
        mov ecx, edi
        mov edx, ebx
        xchg [ebp+eax], edx
        xchg [ebp], ecx

        pop edx
        pop ecx

        add edi, 4              ;finds next 
        add ebx, 4              ;finds second element
        mov eax, [edi]
        mov edx, [ebx]


    mov eax, ebp
    pop edi
    pop edx
    pop ebp;
_help ENDP

  1. 不要使用ebp作為變量。
  2. mov ebp,esp執行sub esp, 4 ,以便在堆棧中騰出空間再容納一個循環計數器。
  3. [ebp-4]處尋址新的循環計數器。
  4. 由於不允許將ebp用作變量,因此您將需要另一個堆棧變量。 因此,代替sub esp, 4代替sub esp, 8 ,第二個堆棧變量位於[ebp-8]



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