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[英]Thinking of a way to add a counter corresponding to each hash address of the table?


程序必須跟蹤表中每個地址的當前沖突計數。 為此,每個地址必須有一個計數器。 地址為0 .. tableSize-1。 每次程序插入一個元素時,它都必須遞增與該元素的哈希地址相對應的計數器。 同樣,每當從表中刪除元素時,與該元素的哈希地址相對應的計數器都必須遞減。



#include "HashTable.h"

// Constructs the empty Hash Table object.
// Array length is set to 13 by default.
HashTable::HashTable( int tableLength )
if (tableLength <= 0) tableLength = 13;
array = new LinkedList[ tableLength ];
length = tableLength;

// Returns an array location for a given item key.
int HashTable::hash( string itemKey )
int hashAddress=0;

for ( int i = 0; i < itemKey.length(); i++ )
   hashAddress= atoi(itemKey.c_str());
return (hashAddress  ) % length;

// Adds an item to the Hash Table.
void HashTable::insertItem( Item * newItem )
int index = hash( newItem -> key );
array[ index ].insertItem( newItem );

// Deletes an Item by key from the Hash Table.
// Returns true if the operation is successful.
bool HashTable::removeItem( string itemKey )
int index = hash( itemKey );
return array[ index ].removeItem( itemKey );

// Returns an item from the Hash Table by key.
// If the item isn't found, a null pointer is returned.
Item * HashTable::getItemByKey( string itemKey )


#include "LinkedList.h"

// Constructs the empty linked list object.
// Creates the head node and sets length to zero.
   head = new Item;
   head -> next = NULL;
   length = 0;

// Inserts an item at the end of the list.
void LinkedList::insertItem( Item * newItem )
if (!head -> next)
    head -> next = newItem;
Item * p = head;
Item * q = head;
while (q)
    p = q;
    q = p -> next;
p -> next = newItem;
newItem -> next = NULL;

// Removes an item from the list by item key.
// Returns true if the operation is successful.
bool LinkedList::removeItem( string itemKey )
if (!head -> next) return false;
Item * p = head;
Item * q = head;
while (q)
    if (q -> key == itemKey)
        p -> next = q -> next;
        delete q;
        return true;
    p = q;
    q = p -> next;
return false;

// Searches for an item by its key.
// Returns a reference to first match.
// Returns a NULL pointer if no match is found.
Item * LinkedList::getItem( string itemKey )

正如評論中已經提到的那樣, 您已經在維護這樣一個計數器 您要做的就是創建一個獲取該變量的新方法。 您可以在實現“ LinkedList”方法的文件的這些行上實現某些功能。

int LinkedList::getCounter(int address)
   if(address>length)//referring to length of HashTable class
      return -1;
   return array[address].length;


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