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[英]Correct chained promise syntax

我試圖弄清楚如何使用Promise正確重寫我的函數。 原始工作版本如下:

this.accountsAPI.find(filter, function(err,result){
    if (err || 0 == result.length) {
      return res.status(400).json({error: "Can't find the account."});
    var workRequest = req.query.workRequest;
    // result has some records and we assume that _id is unique, so it must have one entry in the array
    var newJob = { jobId: workRequest, acceptedById: result[0]._id, dateCreated: new Date() };
    this.jobsAPI.create( newJob, function(jobErr, jobResult) {
      if (jobErr) { return res.status(400).json({error: "Can't create a new job."}); }


return new Promise(function ( fulfill, reject) {
      .then(function (result) {
        if (0 == result.length) { return res.status(400).json({error: "Can't create a new job."}); }
        var workRequest = req.query.workRequest;
        // result has some records and we assume that _id is unique, so it must have one entry in the array
        var newJob = { workRequestId: workRequest, acceptedById: result[0]._id, dateCreated: new Date() };
        this.jobsAPI.create( newJob, function(jobErr, jobResult) {
          if (jobErr) { return res.status(400).json({error: "Can't create a new job."}); }
      .catch((err) => {
        return res.status(400).json({
        error: "Can't create a job.",
        errorDetail: err.message

我不能正確地編碼promise版本,這不是肯定的。 但是,即使我這樣做了,仍然有一個鏈接的異步請求,因此Promise版本只會使事情變得更復雜。

我應該在這些電話中使用諾言嗎? 有沒有辦法優雅地重寫我的代碼?


你應該開始promisifying異步功能就是,在你的情況, -您正在使用的最低水平accountsAPI.findthis.jobsAPI.create 僅為此,您將需要Promise構造函數:

function find(api, filter) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        api.find(filter, function(err, result) {
            if (err) reject(err);
            else resolve(result);
function create(api, newJob) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        api.create(newJob, function(err, result) {
            if (err) reject(err);
            else resolve(result);

如您所見,這有點重復,您可以為此編寫一個輔助函數。 但是,如果您使用的承諾庫不只是ES6 polyfill,那么它可能已經提供了。

現在我們有了兩個函數, findcreate ,它們將返回promise。 有了這些,您可以將函數重寫為簡單的

return find(this.accountsAPI, filter).then(function(result) {
    if (result.length == 0)
        throw new Error("Can't find the account.");
    return result;
}, function(err) {
    throw new Error("Can't find the account.");
}).then(function(result) {
    // result has some records and we assume that _id is unique, so it must have one entry in the array
    return create(this.jobsAPI, {
        jobId: req.query.workRequest,
        acceptedById: result[0]._id,
        dateCreated: new Date()
    }).catch(function(err) {
        throw new Error("Can't create a new job.");
}.bind(this)).then(function(newJob) {
}, function(err) {


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