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[英]Why do I need to use spring annotation in my controller?

我是新手,也是春天。 開始在項目中工作,如果我只是這樣創建我的控制器類:

package controllers;

import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;

public class Users extends Controller {

    public Result login(){
        return ok(views.html.login.render());



[NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [controllers.Users] is defined]



package controllers;

import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;

public class Users extends Controller {

    public Result login(){
        return ok(views.html.login.render());


頁面已呈現。 但是我不知道為什么會這樣。 我只想在必要時使用spring,並在其最大容量下發揮作用。 所以我想知道我是否在控制器上正確使用此注釋。


import configuration.WebAppConfig;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
import play.Application;
import play.GlobalSettings;

 * Application wide behaviour. We establish a Spring application context for the dependency injection system and
 * configure Spring Data.
public class Global extends GlobalSettings {

     * The name of the persistence unit we will be using.
    static final String DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE_UNIT = "default";

     * Declare the application context to be used - a Java annotation based application context requiring no XML.
    final private AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();

     * Sync the context lifecycle with Play's.
    public void onStart(final Application app) {

        // AnnotationConfigApplicationContext can only be refreshed once, but we do it here even though this method
        // can be called multiple times. The reason for doing during startup is so that the Play configuration is
        // entirely available to this application context.
        ctx.scan("controllers", "models");

        // This will construct the beans and call any construction lifecycle methods e.g. @PostConstruct


     * Sync the context lifecycle with Play's.
    public void onStop(final Application app) {
        // This will call any destruction lifecycle methods and then release the beans e.g. @PreDestroy


     * Controllers must be resolved through the application context. There is a special method of GlobalSettings that we
     * can override to resolve a given controller. This resolution is required by the Play router.
    public <A> A getControllerInstance(Class<A> aClass) {
        return ctx.getBean(aClass);

     * This configuration establishes the Spring context which in our case is defined in the "other" project.
    public static class SpringDataJpaConfiguration {
        // At the moment this class is just a entry point for the "other project" Spring context config, AppContext


編輯2:伙計們,現在我記得這個項目中的某些內容,我們有2個項目,其中一個完全在javaspring上開發,而另一個是webapp。 我們正在從play導入從該項目的第一個項目構建的.jar 我們正在這樣做,因此我們不必維護兩個不同的模型。


public <A> A getControllerInstance(Class<A> aClass) {
    return ctx.getBean(aClass);

在這種情況下,很明顯,您必須在控制器上具有Spring批注,否則它們不會被添加到應用程序上下文中。 如果您不想從應用程序上下文解析控制器,請刪除該方法。 但是請記住,由於Spring組件不受Spring組件的管理,因此您將無法在它們的Play控制器中注入它們。

您是否熟悉IoC(控制反轉)和DI(依賴項注入)? Spring IoC有一個容器,它需要知道每個組件。 您必須使用配置文件/配置類對其進行配置,並且注釋對於避免進行廣泛的配置很有用。

如果要從Spring的上下文中檢索bean實例,則該bean 必須由Spring管理 在控制器中添加@Controller並啟用指向其包(或超級包)的組件掃描,將指示Spring在其上下文中創建該類的實例,您可以稍后使用該實例。

話雖如此, 這里解釋了為什么您遇到該異常。


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