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[英]Java: abstract or generic list that all derived classes must implement


我有不同的系統類來處理不同的事情,例如PhysicsSystem,RenderSystem,EditorSystem等。 所有類都繼承自BaseSystem,后者又實現了一個接口ISystem。


是否可以在所有派生類隨后實現的BaseSystem類或ISystem接口中定義通用列表或抽象列表? 我對泛型沒有什么經驗,所以對此感到有些困惑。

這是我當前的代碼。 如您所見,我為派生類創建了第二個列表,這很浪費。

interface ISystem
    boolean AddToSystem(Component c);

abstract class BaseSystem implements ISystem
    // can I make this list generic, so it can store any type in derived classes?
    // e.g., Component, IRenderable, IPhysics, etc.
    protected List<Component> _componentList;

class RenderSystem extends BaseSystem

    //  need to make a second list that stores the specific render components
    List<IRenderable> _renderList = new ArrayList<IRenderable>();

    void Update()
        for (IRenderable r : _renderList)
            r.Render(); // this code is specific to the IRenderable components

    public boolean AddToSystem(Component c)
        boolean succesfullyAdded = false;

        if (c instanceof IRenderable)
            succesfullyAdded = true;
            _renderList.add((IRenderable) c);

        } else
            throw new RuntimeException("ERROR - " + c.Name() + " doesn't implement IRenderable interface!");

        return succesfullyAdded;



interface ISystem<ComponentType extends IComponent> {
   public boolean AddToSystem(ComponentType c);

如果您不希望具有硬類型依賴關系,則可以刪除extends IComponent ,但這會使處理系統列表更加困難。


private static abstract class AbstractClass<T> {

    final List<T> objects = new ArrayList<T>();

private static class ComponentHolder extends AbstractClass<Component> {

    public void add(final Component c) {

    public Component getComponent(final int index) {
        return objects.get(index);


abstract class BaseSystem<T> implements ISystem
    protected List<T> _componentList = new ArrayList<T>();

class RenderSystem extends BaseSystem<IRenderable>
    void Update()
        for (IRenderable r : _componentList)
            r.Render(); // this code is specific to the IRenderable components

    public boolean AddToSystem(Component c)
        boolean succesfullyAdded = false;

        if (c instanceof IRenderable)
            succesfullyAdded = true;
            _componentList.add((IRenderable) c);

        } else
            throw new RuntimeException("ERROR - " + c.Name() + " doesn't implement IRenderable interface!");

        return succesfullyAdded;



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