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JavaScript - 理解方法

[英]JavaScript - understand methods


function hello() {
    alert('Hello World');


var hello = function() {
    alert('Hello World');

這是我的一個方法的對象。 我不明白為什么在yarsLeft內部function people()不需要括號

function people(name, age) {
    this.name = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.yearsUntilRetire = yearsLeft; // this is confised for me

function yearsLeft() {
    var numYears = 65 - this.age;
    return numYears;


var test = new people('Superman', 50);
test.yearsUntilRetire(); // I understand this code and calling a method in that way

為什么我不能寫this.yearsUntilRetire() = yearsLeftthis.yearsUntilRetire = yearsLeft();

當您使用沒有括號( () )的函數名稱時,您將設置對函數本身的引用。



this.yearsUntilRetire = yearsLeft;

設置yearsUntilRetire指向函數。 此后你可以這樣做:

this.yearsUntilRetire(); // execute the yearsLeft function.

為什么我不能寫這個.yearsUntilRetire()= yearsLeft或this.yearsUntilRetire = yearsLeft();

在第一種情況下,您不能將調用函數的結果設置為不同的結果 - 這是語法錯誤。

在第二種情況下,您可以 - 它將變量yearsUntilRetire設置為調用函數yearsLeft的結果

1) function hello() {alert('Hello World');} var hello = function() {alert('Hello World');}

第一個是函數聲明。 第二個是分配給名為hello的變量的函數表達式。 但是當然在使用這兩個函數時,您可以將其視為相同且兩者的行為相同。

2)函數將始終被調用,如函數名稱后跟括號,例如: yearsLeft() 這是調用函數的唯一方法。

函數是JS中的First Class對象。 它可以聲明,表達,分配,傳遞給另一個函數並從函數返回。

所以在你的情況下,你的意圖是將全局函數yearsLeft object屬性yearsUntilRetire 你完成任何其他任務的方式 - 記住“ 函數是頭等對象

這里有幾個工作示例來說明您的問題的答案。 請參閱內聯注釋以獲得解釋。

 console.assert( typeof helloWorldAsVar === 'function', 'helloWorldAsVar is defined' ); console.log( helloWorldAsVar ); console.assert( typeof helloWorld === 'function', 'helloWorld is defined' ); // creating a function like helloWorld means it will be hoisted to the top of the file as js does two passes // when compiling the script. one to declare all the functions and initialize all the variables as undefined. // and another to run through the code. console.log(helloWorld); var helloWorldAsVar = function() { return 'this will not get hoisted, and the function name is anonymous'; } // helloWorldAsVar is only available after it is declared. console.assert(typeof helloWorldAsVar === 'function', 'helloWorldAsVar is defined'); console.log( helloWorldAsVar ); function helloWorld() { return 'this will get hoisted to the top of the function, and it will keep its name'; } 
 <script src="http://codepen.io/synthet1c/pen/WrQapG.js"> </script> 

 // this is a constructor function, it is essentially a typed object that can // have it's own methods similar to an oop class in other languages like php or java // the convention is to name a constructor with the first letter capitalized and it should be singular function Person(name, age) { // here you are assigning properties to your People object this.name = name; this.age = age; // you are passing a reference to the yearsLeft function // this.yearsUntilRetire = yearsLeft; } // a more standard way to add the yearsLeft function is to // use the People.prototype object which get's methods delegated to it eg. Person.prototype.yearsUntilRetire = yearsLeft; function yearsLeft() { var numYears = 65 - this.age; return numYears; } // Create objects var superman = new Person('Clark', 50 ), batman = new Person('Bruice', 40 ); console.log( superman, 'yearsUntilRetire', superman.yearsUntilRetire() ); console.log( batman, 'yearsUntilRetire', batman.yearsUntilRetire() ); // Why I can 't write this.yearsUntilRetire() = yearsLeft or this.yearsUntilRetire = yearsLeft(); console.assert(this === window, 'this in the global context refers to the window object' ); console.assert(superman instanceof Person, 'superman is a Person' ); console.assert(batman instanceof Person, 'batman is a Person' ); 
 <script src="http://codepen.io/synthet1c/pen/WrQapG.js"></script> 


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