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[英]Stop infinite scroll from jumping to end of page when loading content

我在網站上實現了同位素的無限滾動,並且在加載帖子時遇到問題。 帖子加載正常,但可以說我向下滾動以加載更多帖子,但是我仍在查看那里的帖子,每當加載新帖子時,無限滾動就會跳到頁面底部。 即使加載了更多帖子,如何停止這種行為並保持頁面上的位置?


$(function () {
        var selectChoice, updatePageState, updateFiltersFromObject,
            $container = $('.isotope');
        /// EVENT HANDLERS
        // Mark filtering element as active/inactive and trigger filters update
        $('.js-filter').on( 'click', '[data-filter]', function (event) {
          selectChoice($(this), {click: true});
        // Sort filtered (or not) elements
        $('.js-sort').on('click', '[data-sort]', function (event) {
          selectChoice($(this), {click: true});
        // Listen to filters update event and update Isotope filters based on the marked elements
        $container.on('filter-update', function (event, opts) {
          var filters, sorting, push;
          opts = opts || {};
          filters = $('.js-filter li.active a:not([data-filter="all"])').map(function () {
            return $(this).data('filter');
          sorting = $('.js-sort li.active a').map(function () {
            return $(this).data('sort');
          if (typeof opts.pushState == 'undefined' || opts.pushState) {
            updatePageState(filters, sorting);
            filter: filters.join(''),
            sortBy: sorting

        // Set a handler for history state change
        History.Adapter.bind(window, 'statechange', function () {
          var state = History.getState();
          $container.trigger('filter-update', {pushState: false});
        // Build an URI to get the query string to update the page history state
        updatePageState = function (filters, sorting) {
          var uri = new URI('');
          $.each(filters, function (idx, filter) {
            var match = /^\.([^-]+)-(.*)$/.exec(filter);
            if (match && match.length == 3) {
              uri.addSearch(match[1], match[2]);
          $.each(sorting, function (idx, sort) {
            uri.addSearch('sort', sort);
          History.pushState(uri.search(true), null, uri.search() || '?');
        // Select the clicked (or from URL) choice in the dropdown menu
        selectChoice = function ($link, opts) {
          var $group = $link.closest('.btn-group'),
              $li = $link.closest('li'),
              mediumFilter = $group.length == 0;
          if (mediumFilter) {
            $group = $link.closest('.js-filter');

          if (opts.click) {
          } else {
          if (!mediumFilter) {
            if ($group.find('li.active').length == 0) {
            $group.find('.selection').html($group.find('li.active a').first().html());
        // Update filters by the values in the current URL
        updateFiltersFromObject = function (values) {
          if ($.isEmptyObject(values)) {
            $('.js-filter').each(function () {
                selectChoice($(this).find('li').first(), {click: false});
            selectChoice($('.js-sort').find('li').first(), {click: false});
          } else {
            $.each(values, function (key, val) {
              val = typeof val == 'string' ? [val] : val;
              $.each(val, function (idx, v) {
                var $filter = $('[data-filter=".' + key + '-' + v + '"]'),
                    $sort = $('[data-sort="' + v + '"]');
                if ($filter.length > 0) {
                  selectChoice($filter, {click: false});
                } else if ($sort.length > 0) {
                  selectChoice($sort, {click: false});
        /// Initialization
        // Initialize Isotope
$container.imagesLoaded( function(){
  masonry: { resizesContainer: true },
          itemSelector: '.item',
          getSortData: {
 date: function ( itemElem ) {
      var date = $( itemElem ).find('.thedate').text();
      return parseInt( date.replace( /[\(\)]/g, '') );
area: function( itemElem ) { // function
      var area = $( itemElem ).find('.thearea').text();
      return parseInt( area.replace( /[\(\)]/g, '') );
price: function( itemElem ) { // function
      var price = $( itemElem ).find('.theprice').text();
      return parseInt( price.replace( /[\(\)]/g, '') );

var total = $(".next a:last").html();
var pgCount = 1;
var numPg = total;

    // jQuery InfiniteScroll Plugin.
 contentSelector  : '.isotope',
 speed : 'fast',
behavior: 'simplyrecipes',
         navSelector  : '#pagi',    // selector for the paged navigation 
        nextSelector : '#pagi a.next',  // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
        itemSelector : '.item',     // selector for all items you'll retrieve
        animate: true,
debug: true,
        loading: {
selector: '#infscr-loading',
            finishedMsg: 'No more content to load.'
    // Trigger Masonry as a callback.
    function( newElements ) {

        if(pgCount == numPg) {
            $container.append( newElements ).isotope( 'appended', newElements, true );
            $('#infscr-loading').find('em').text('No more content to load.');
                opacity: 1
            }, 200);
            setTimeout(function() {
                    opacity: 0
                }, 300);
        } else {

function loadPosts(newElements) {
    // Hide new posts while they are still loading.
    var newElems = $( newElements ).css({ opacity: 0 });
    // Ensure that images load before adding to masonry layout.
    newElems.imagesLoaded(function() {
        // Show new elements now that they're loaded.
        newElems.animate({ opacity: 1 });
        $container.isotope( 'appended', newElems, true );      
        // Initialize counters
        $('.stat-count').each(function () {
          var $count = $(this),
              filter = $count.closest('[data-filter]').data('filter');
        // Set initial filters from URL
        updateFiltersFromObject(new URI().search(true));
        $container.trigger('filter-update', {pushState: false});


    animate:false, //this does just that

關於每個請求(或某些請求)的重復條目 ,這與后端有關,即偏移數據的方式

Infinite Scroll可以很好地處理頁碼,即它發送2,3,4,5,6 ...因此,對於每個請求,它都會發送該請求。

我認為您使用的是頁面偏移量 ,並且最終可能會有重復的條目。


//In your Controller
$temp = ( $page_offset * $per_page );
$offset = $temp - $per_page ;

//In your model
$this->db->query("SELECT * FROM GALLERY OFFSET $offset limit 10");


如果是這樣,是否要檢查粘性氣泡 -Google Play提供免費游戲



聲明:本站的技術帖子網頁,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0協議,如果您需要轉載,請注明本站網址或者原文地址。任何問題請咨詢:yoyou2525@163.com.

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