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如何在Cucumber-JVM中實現AND OR關系

[英]How to implement AND OR relation in Cucumber-JVM


Feature: This is a sample feature file
    Scenario: This is a scenario one.
        Given scenario one
        When @tag1
        Then execute @tag1
    Scenario: This is a scenario two.
        Given scenario two
        When @tag2
        Then execute @tag2

    Scenario: This is a scenario three.
        Given scenario three
        When @tag3
        Then execute @tag3  
@tag2 @tag3
    Scenario: This is a scenario two and three.
        Given scenario two and three
        When @tag2 @tag3
        Then execute @tag2 @tag3

現在我只需要運行@tag1@tag2 @tag3不跑單@tag2和單@tag3標簽

那么我怎么能提到@CucumberOptions上的標簽,只有@tag1@tag2 @tag3場景將運行其他不會運行。



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