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[英]Can't run Hyperloop project

我已經從master下載了最新的SDK,如下所述: http//builds.appcelerator.com/#master


我創建了一個新的Alloy項目,在tiapp.xml我創建了pluginmodule並運行了我的空項目。 它似乎沒有完成編譯。 它被困在:

[INFO] :   Alloy compiler completed successfully
[WARN] :   Hyperloop is currently available in Beta and should not be used for production applications.
[INFO] :   Starting Hyperloop assembly
[INFO] :   Skipping Hyperloop compile, no usage found ...

我也嘗試過下載Hyperloop示例項目。 那里的輸出有點不同 - 但仍然沒有完成編譯。 這是輸出:

[INFO] :   Alloy compiler completed successfully
[WARN] :   Hyperloop is currently available in Beta and should not be used for production applications.
[INFO] :   Starting Hyperloop assembly
[INFO] :   [Hyperloop] Building CocoaPods dependencies
[WARN] :   The iOS framework "javax.crypto.KeyGenerator" could not be found. Are you trying to use "JavaScriptCore" or "JBChartView" instead? (android/alloy/controllers/touchid.js)
[WARN] :   The iOS framework "javax.crypto.Cipher" could not be found. Are you trying to use "JavaScriptCore" or "JBChartView" instead? (android/alloy/controllers/touchid.js)

PDF指令提到我需要下載SDK 5.2.0 - 但它在構建中不存在 - 所以我下載了6.0.0.xxxxxxx



[WARN] :   The iOS framework "javax.crypto.KeyGenerator" could not be found. Are you trying to use "JavaScriptCore" or "JBChartView" instead? (android/alloy/controllers/touchid.js)
[WARN] :   The iOS framework "javax.crypto.Cipher" could not be found. Are you trying to use "JavaScriptCore" or "JBChartView" instead? (android/alloy/controllers/touchid.js)

它看起來像你為iOS編譯,而HL仍然試圖解析Android特定的控制器 - 它不應該。 此錯誤已在Appcelerator JIRA中報告,可通過以下方式進行跟蹤:


要每晚下載5_2_x,您可以使用appc ti sdk install -b 5_2_x

Titanium SDK 5.4.0.GA和Hyperloop 1.2.0已修復此問題。


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