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[英]Printing the value and position of an array from a method

我正在研究一個需要用戶輸入數組的程序。 我有一個方法FindLowestTempInArray返回最低的Day(數組中的位置)。 我想在我的主要方法中在該位置打印索引和值。 我一直在搜索,但我不知道執行此操作的簡單方法。 現在,我只是從方法中打印數據而沒有返回值。 那行得通,但我想知道如何從主菜單打印值。 因此,我再次想知道如何從主方法中同時打印lowestTemp和lowestDay。


public static int FindLowestTempInArray(int[] T)
    // Returns the index of the lowest temperature in array T
    int lowestTemp = Uninitialized;
    int lowestDay = 0;

    for(int day = 0; day < T.length; day++)
             if(T[day] != Uninitialized && ( T[day] < lowestTemp || lowestTemp == Uninitialized))
                     lowestTemp = T[day];
                     lowestDay = day;     

                     return lowestTemp;
    return lowestDay;   

public class Weather {

private static final int Uninitialized = -999;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    int [] high = new int[32];
    int [] low = new int[32];

    Init (high);

    Report(high, low);

    //why do i not need to do both the one above and FindAvg(low);
    System.out.println("The average for the high is: " + FindAvg(high));
    System.out.println("The average for the low is: " + FindAvg(low));

    //Lowest(high, low);

    System.out.println(FindLowestTempInArray(high) + "\n" + FindLowestTempInArray(low));


    System.out.println("\n" + "The highest high is: " + Highest(high, low) + " degrees." + "\n" +
            "This temperature was recorded on day: " + Highest(high, low)); 
    System.out.println("\n" + "The highest low is: " + Highest(low, high) + " degrees." + "\n" +
            "This temperature was recorded on day: " + Highest(low, high));

//  LeastToGreatest(high, low);

一種方法是將public static int FindLowestTempInArray(int[] T)的返回類型更改為int[] ,以便您可以返回兩個值。 否則,一旦執行一個return語句,該方法就會退出。

您可以為當天使用lowest [0],為臨時使用最低[1],反之亦然。

另一種方法是分別獲取這兩個值(使用參數來區分所需的返回值)並將它們存儲在兩個變量中。 想法是將這些值存儲在main方法中的某處以便能夠使用它們。



  1. 將您的FindLowestTempInArray的返回類型更改為int []即整數數組,並說int [0]是最低溫度,而int [1]是最低溫度

  2. 您可以使用2個類變量(例如溫度和天)創建一個新的類溫度(溫度),在您的方法FindLowestTempInArray中,您可以使用溫度的返回類型,並可以在該方法中設置溫度對象。

下面是返回類型int []的示例。

public class Weather {

private static final int Uninitialized = -999;

public static void main(String[] args) {

    int[] low = new int[args.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        System.out.print(args[i] + " ");
        low[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);
    int[] lowest = new int[2];
    lowest = FindLowestTempInArray(low);
    System.out.println(lowest[0] + "   " + lowest[1]);


public static int[] FindLowestTempInArray(int[] T) {
    int[] lowest = new int[2];
    lowest[0] = Uninitialized;
    lowest[1] = 0;
    for (int day = 0; day < T.length; day++) {
        if (T[day] != Uninitialized
                && (T[day] < lowest[0] || lowest[0] == Uninitialized)) {
            lowest[0] = T[day];
            lowest[1] = day;
    return lowest;



public class Weather {

private static final int Uninitialized = -999;

public static void main(String[] args) {

    int[] low = new int[args.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
        System.out.print(args[i] + " ");
        low[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);

    Weather.Temperature temp = FindLowestTempInArray(low);
    System.out.println(temp.temperature + "   " + temp.day);


public static Weather.Temperature FindLowestTempInArray(int[] T) {

    Weather.Temperature temp=new Weather.Temperature();
    temp.temperature = Uninitialized;
    temp.day = 0;
    for (int day = 0; day < T.length; day++) {
        if (T[day] != Uninitialized
                && (T[day] < temp.temperature || temp.temperature == Uninitialized)) {
            temp.temperature = T[day];
            temp.day = day;
    return temp;

static class Temperature{
    private int temperature;
    private int day;

    public int getTemperature() {
        return temperature;
    public void setTemperature(int temperature) {
        this.temperature = temperature;
    public int getDay() {
        return day;
    public void setDay(int day) {
        this.day = day;



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