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Espresso Instrumentation測試-測試后如何卸載或刪除應用

[英]Espresso Instrumentation Tests - how to uninstall or delete the app after the test

我設置了Espresso工具框架來運行我的Android Functional Automation測試。 對於每個測試,我都想登錄到該應用程序並在完成測試后刪除該應用程序。


公共類FirstSampleTest擴展了BaseTest {

private final BaseTest baseTest;

//私有最終ElementUtils elementUtils;

public FirstSampleTest() throws InterruptedException {
    this.baseTest = new BaseTest();

public void initiate() throws InterruptedException {
    //I have setup login method here to login to the app after it installs

public ActivityTestRule<SplashScreenActivity> splashScreenActivityActivityTestRule = new ActivityTestRule(SplashScreenActivity.class);

public void testTheHomeScreen() throws InterruptedException {
   //Some tests go here. 

public void teardown() throws InterruptedException {
    //I want to uninstall the app or delete it from the emulator once the test is run 


無法從Instrumentation測試中卸載該應用。 但是,一旦運行了所有測試,該應用程序將自動卸載。

注意:僅當運行單個測試時,才會卸載應用程序。 請使用命令./gradlew connectedAndroidTest運行整個構建

您可以在Run -> Edit Configurations中的Android Studio Before launch部分中添加gradle任務

單擊+ ->添加可識別gradle的Make-> :app:uninstallAll

注意:: :app:uninstallAll “ app”取決於您的模塊名稱。 因此可以是:my_module:uninstallAll:company:uninstallAll


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