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子采樣比例圖像視圖 - 使圖像視圖上的引腳標記可單擊

[英]Subsampling scale image view - make pin markers clickable on Imageview

我正在使用Dave Morrissey的子采樣比例圖像視圖。 我修改了Pinview示例(如下所示: https//github.com/davemorrissey/subsampling-scale-image-view/blob/master/sample/src/com/davemorrissey/labs/subscaleview/sample/extension/views/ PinView.java )支持pin的數組。 現在我想讓每個引腳都可以點擊以啟動點擊功能。 下面的代碼正確放置了多個標記 請讓我知道如何使每個引腳可點擊,我想讀取內部點擊事件功能的id並在吐司示例MapPin(1718f,581f, (id)1 )中顯示。


   public class PinView extends SubsamplingScaleImageView {

   private PointF sPin;

   ArrayList<MapPin> mapPins;
   ArrayList<DrawPin> drawnPins;
   Context context;
   String tag = getClass().getSimpleName();

   public PinView(Context context) {
    this(context, null);
    this.context = context;

   public PinView(Context context, AttributeSet attr) {
    super(context, attr);
    this.context = context;

   public void setPins(ArrayList<MapPin> mapPins) {
    this.mapPins = mapPins;

   public void setPin(PointF pin) {
    this.sPin = pin;

   public PointF getPin() {
    return sPin;

   private void initialise() {


   protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    // Don't draw pin before image is ready so it doesn't move around during       setup.
    if (!isReady()) {

    drawnPins = new ArrayList<>();

    Paint paint = new Paint();
    float density = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;

    for (int i = 0; i < mapPins.size(); i++) {
        MapPin mPin = mapPins.get(i);
        //Bitmap bmpPin = Utils.getBitmapFromAsset(context, mPin.getPinImgSrc());
        Bitmap bmpPin = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(this.getResources(), drawable.pushpin_blue);

        float w = (density / 420f) * bmpPin.getWidth();
        float h = (density / 420f) * bmpPin.getHeight();
        bmpPin = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bmpPin, (int) w, (int) h, true);

        PointF vPin = sourceToViewCoord(mPin.getPoint());
        //in my case value of point are at center point of pin image, so we need to adjust it here

        float vX = vPin.x - (bmpPin.getWidth() / 2);
        float vY = vPin.y - bmpPin.getHeight();

        canvas.drawBitmap(bmpPin, vX, vY, paint);

        //add added pin to an Array list to get touched pin
        DrawPin dPin = new DrawPin();
        dPin.setStartX(mPin.getX() - w / 2);
        dPin.setEndX(mPin.getX() + w / 2);
        dPin.setStartY(mPin.getY() - h / 2);
        dPin.setEndY(mPin.getY() + h / 2);

public int getPinIdByPoint(PointF point) {

    for (int i = drawnPins.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DrawPin dPin = drawnPins.get(i);
        if (point.x >= dPin.getStartX() && point.x <= dPin.getEndX()) {
            if (point.y >= dPin.getStartY() && point.y <= dPin.getEndY()) {
                return dPin.getId();
    return -1; //negative no means no pin selected


    public class MapPin {
    float X, Y;
    int id;

        public MapPin(float X, float Y, int id) {
            this.X = X;
            this.Y = Y;
            this.id = id;

        public MapPin() {

        public float getX() {
            return X;

        public void setX(float X) {
            this.X = X;

        public float getY() {
            return Y;

        public void setY(float Y) {
            this.Y = Y;

        public PointF getPoint() {
            return new PointF(this.X, this.Y);

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public void setId(int id) {
            this.id = id;


public class DrawPin {

    float startX, startY, endX, endY;
    int id;

    public DrawPin(float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY, int id) {
        this.startX = startX;
        this.startY = startY;
        this.endX = endX;
        this.endY = endY;
        this.id = id;

    public DrawPin() {

    public float getStartX() {
        return startX;

    public void setStartX(float startX) {
        this.startX = startX;

    public float getStartY() {
        return startY;

    public void setStartY(float startY) {
        this.startY = startY;

    public float getEndX() {
        return endX;

    public void setEndX(float endX) {
        this.endX = endX;

    public float getEndY() {
        return endY;

    public void setEndY(float endY) {
        this.endY = endY;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) {
        this.id = id;


public class ExtensionPinFragment extends Fragment {
    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View rootView = inflater.inflate(layout.extension_pin_fragment, container, false);
        rootView.findViewById(id.next).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                ((ExtensionActivity) getActivity()).next();
        PinView imageView = (PinView)rootView.findViewById(id.imageView);

        MapPin mapPin = new MapPin(1718f, 581f, 1);
        MapPin mapPin1 = new MapPin(500f, 681f, 2);

        ArrayList<MapPin> MapPins = new ArrayList();
        MapPins.add(new MapPin(1718f, 581f, 1));
        MapPins.add(new MapPin(500f, 681f, 2));

        // Below on click listener associated with entire image but I want the click event listener for individual pins

        imageView.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
                                         public void onClick(View view) {
                                             ((ExtensionActivity) getActivity()).next();
        return rootView;

目前正在處理同一問題:您可以按照以下建議添加一個gestureDetector和一個觸摸偵聽器到您的自定義視圖: https//github.com/davemorrissey/subsampling-scale-image-view/wiki/09.-Events



  private void setTouchListener() {
    /** https://github.com/davemorrissey/subsampling-scale-image-view/wiki/09.-Events:
     *  ...you must check that the view is ready with the isReady() method before attempting to convert screen
     *  coordinates to image coordinates. A NullPointerException may be thrown if you don't. It is safe to override
     *  onSingleTapUp, onSingleTapConfirmed, onLongPress and onDown from the SimpleOnGestureListener class. If you
     *  override other methods, you will prevent the view from properly handling double taps, zoom and pan gestures.

    final GestureDetector gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context, new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
        public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed(MotionEvent e) {
            if (isReady() && deeplinkCoordinates != null) {
                PointF tappedCoordinate = new PointF(e.getX(), e.getY());

                int blockWidth = deepLinkBitmap.getWidth();
                int blockHeight = deepLinkBitmap.getHeight();

                // check if deepLinkBitmap is touched
                for (PointF deeplink : deeplinkCoordinates) {
                    PointF deeplinkCoordinate = sourceToViewCoord(deeplink);
                    int deeplinkX = (int) (deeplinkCoordinate.x - (deepLinkBitmap.getWidth() / 2));
                    int deeplinkY = (int) (deeplinkCoordinate.y - deepLinkBitmap.getHeight());

                    // center coordinate -/+ blockWidth actually sets touchable area to 2x icon size
                    if (tappedCoordinate.x >= deeplinkX - blockWidth && tappedCoordinate.x <= deeplinkX + blockWidth &&
                            tappedCoordinate.y >= deeplinkY - blockHeight && tappedCoordinate.y <= deeplinkY + blockHeight) {
                        // App.toast("You tapped on a deeplink!");
            return true;

    setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
        public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
            return gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(motionEvent);


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