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Polymer 1.x:定義“ google”導入

[英]Polymer 1.x: Defining “google” import

在這種jsBin ,我要聲明具有的價值預加載我的元素['Colorado', 'South Dakota']selected屬性。

當我打開jsBin時 ,我希望看到以下內容:

  1. successfully一個成功加載的頁面。
  2. ✅美國的輪廓圖
  3. selected變量的左上角顯示為Colorado,South Dakota
  4. Colorado科羅拉多州和南達科他州已預先選擇,顏色為藍色。
  5. the控制台中沒有錯誤。


  1. successfully一個成功加載的頁面。
  2. ✅美國的輪廓圖
  3. selected變量的左上角顯示為Colorado,South Dakota
  4. Colorado 預先選擇科羅拉多州和南達科他州或藍色。
  5. console以下控制台錯誤:

google is not defined



 _drawChart: function() { console.log('A'); // Successfully logs to console // The key is to get "google" defined at the following line var dataTable = this.$.geochart._createDataTable(this.items); // "google" is not defined??? console.log('dataTable: '); // Does not successfully log because crashes above console.log(dataTable); this.$.geochart._chartObject.draw(dataTable, this.$.geochart.options); }, 


我在函數_selectedChanged上添加了10毫秒的超時,因此它將超時推送到事件循環的結尾。 您可以將其更改為0毫秒。


具體來說,@ Alon添加了以下功能:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <base href="https://polygit.org/components/">
  <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
  <link href="polymer/polymer.html" rel="import">
  <link href="google-chart/google-chart.html" rel="import"> </head>

  <dom-module id="x-element"> <template>
        google-chart {
          width: 100%;
      <button on-tap="_show">Show</button>
      (function() {
          is: 'x-element',
          /** /
           * Fired when user selects chart item.
           * @event us-map-select
           * @param {object} detail Alpabetized array of selected state names.
          properties: {
            selected: {
              type: Array,
              notify: true,
              //reflectToAttribute: true,
            items: {
              type: Array,
              notify: true,
              reflectToAttribute: true,
              value: function() {
                return [
                  ['State', 'Select'],
                  ['Alabama', 0],
                  ['Alaska', 0],
                  ['Arizona', 0],
                  ['Arkansas', 0],
                  ['California', 0],
                  ['Colorado', 0],
                  ['Connecticut', 0],
                  ['Delaware', 0],
                  ['Florida', 0],
                  ['Georgia', 0],
                  ['Hawaii', 0],
                  ['Idaho', 0],
                  ['Illinois', 0],
                  ['Indiana', 0],
                  ['Iowa', 0],
                  ['Kansas', 0],
                  ['Kentucky', 0],
                  ['Louisiana', 0],
                  ['Maine', 0],
                  ['Maryland', 0],
                  ['Massachusetts', 0],
                  ['Michigan', 0],
                  ['Minnesota', 0],
                  ['Mississippi', 0],
                  ['Missouri', 0],
                  ['Montana', 0],
                  ['Nebraska', 0],
                  ['Nevada', 0],
                  ['New Hampshire', 0],
                  ['New Jersey', 0],
                  ['New Mexico', 0],
                  ['New York', 0],
                  ['North Carolina', 0],
                  ['North Dakota', 0],
                  ['Ohio', 0],
                  ['Oklahoma', 0],
                  ['Oregon', 0],
                  ['Pennsylvania', 0],
                  ['Rhode Island', 0],
                  ['South Carolina', 0],
                  ['South Dakota', 0],
                  ['Tennessee', 0],
                  ['Texas', 0],
                  ['Utah', 0],
                  ['Vermont', 0],
                  ['Virginia', 0],
                  ['Washington', 0],
                  ['West Virginia', 0],
                  ['Wisconsin', 0],
                  ['Wyoming', 0]
            color: {
              type: String, // '#455A64'
              value: function() {
                return 'blue';
            options: {
              type: Object,
              notify: true,
              reflectToAttribute: true,
              computed: '_computeOptions(color)',
            itemIndices: {
              type: Object,
              computed: '_computeItemIndices(items)',
          observers: [
            // '_selectedChanged(selected.*)',
            //'_drawChart(items.*, options)',
          ready: function() {
            var _this = this;
            this.$.geochart.addEventListener('google-chart-select', function(e) {
          _computeItemIndices: function(a) {
            var out = {},
              i = a.length;
            while (i--) {
              out[a[i][0]] = i;
            return out;
          _onGoogleChartSelect: function(e) {
            var s = e.path[0].textContent.split('Select')[0].trim(), // e.g. 'Ohio'
              temp = [],
              a = this.items,
              index = this.itemIndices[s], // e.g. 35
              i = a.length;
            this.set('items.' + index + '.1', a[index][1] ? 0 : 1);
            while (i-- - 1) {
              /** /
              if(s === a[i][0]){
                this.set('items.' + i + '.1', a[i][1] ? 0 : 1);
                //this.items[i][1] = a[i][1] ? 0 : 1;
              if (a[i][1]) {
            this.set('selected', temp);
          _redrawChart: function() {
            var j = 1, // iterations
              s = 1, // delay in seconds
              _this = this;
            while (j--) {
              try {
                //  console.log(j);
              } catch (e) {
                //   console.log(e.message);
                setTimeout(function() {
                  console.log(_this.selected); // undefined
                }, (s * 1000));
          _drawChart: function() {
            console.log('A'); // Successfully logs to console
            // The key is to get "google" defined at the following line
            try {
              var dataTable = this.$.geochart._createDataTable(this.items); // "google" is not defined???
              console.log('dataTable: '); // Does not successfully log because crashes above
              // console.log(dataTable);
              this.$.geochart._chartObject.draw(dataTable, this.$.geochart.options);
            } catch (e) {}
          doAll: function(verb) {
            verb = verb || 'clear'; // verb: 'clear'(default)|'select'
            verb = (verb === 'select') ? 'select' : 'clear';
          _doAll: function(verb) {
            var resetSelect = (verb && verb === 'some') ? false : true;
            verb = verb || 'clear'; // verb: 'clear'(default)|'select'|'some'
            verb = (verb === 'select') ? 'select' : 'clear';
            var temp = [];
            var items = this.items,
              i = items.length;
            switch (verb) {
              case 'select':
                while (i-- - 1) {
                  items[i][1] = 1;
              case 'clear':
                while (i-- - 1) {
                  items[i][1] = 0;
            this.set('items', items);
            if (resetSelect) {
              this.set('selected', temp);
          try: function(e) {
            var self = this;
            setTimeout(function() {
            }.bind(self), 100)
          }, ////
          _selectedChanged: function(e, k) {
            if (k === undefined) {
              ////  return
            } else {
            var a = e.base,
              i = a.length;
            while (i--) {
              var index = this.itemIndices[a[i]];
              this.set('items.' + index + '.1', 1);
            this.fire('us-map-select', this.selected);
            // console.log(this.selected);//
            //  console.log(this.items);
          _computeOptions: function(s) {
            return {
              region: 'US',
              displayMode: 'regions',
              resolution: 'provinces',
              legend: 'none',
              defaultColor: 'white',
              colorAxis: {
                colors: ['#E0E0E0', s],
                minValue: 0,
                maxValue: 1,
          _show: function() {
            //this.set('selected', ['Ohio', 'New Mexico']);
  <x-element xcolor="#455A64" selected='["Colorado", "South Dakota"]'></x-element>



 <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <base href="https://polygit.org/components/"> <script src="webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script> <link href="polymer/polymer.html" rel="import"> <link href="google-chart/google-chart.html" rel="import"> </head> <body> <dom-module id="x-element"> <template> <style> google-chart { width: 100%; } </style> <button on-tap="_show">Show</button> <div>[[selected]]</div> <google-chart id="geochart" type="geo" options="{{options}}" data="{{items}}" xon-google-chart-select="_onGoogleChartSelect"></google-chart> </template> <script> (function() { Polymer({ is: 'x-element', /** / * Fired when user selects chart item. * * @event us-map-select * @param {object} detail Alpabetized array of selected state names. /**/ properties: { selected: { type: Array, notify: true, //reflectToAttribute: true, }, items: { type: Array, notify: true, reflectToAttribute: true, value: function() { return [ ['State', 'Select'], ['Alabama', 0], ['Alaska', 0], ['Arizona', 0], ['Arkansas', 0], ['California', 0], ['Colorado', 0], ['Connecticut', 0], ['Delaware', 0], ['Florida', 0], ['Georgia', 0], ['Hawaii', 0], ['Idaho', 0], ['Illinois', 0], ['Indiana', 0], ['Iowa', 0], ['Kansas', 0], ['Kentucky', 0], ['Louisiana', 0], ['Maine', 0], ['Maryland', 0], ['Massachusetts', 0], ['Michigan', 0], ['Minnesota', 0], ['Mississippi', 0], ['Missouri', 0], ['Montana', 0], ['Nebraska', 0], ['Nevada', 0], ['New Hampshire', 0], ['New Jersey', 0], ['New Mexico', 0], ['New York', 0], ['North Carolina', 0], ['North Dakota', 0], ['Ohio', 0], ['Oklahoma', 0], ['Oregon', 0], ['Pennsylvania', 0], ['Rhode Island', 0], ['South Carolina', 0], ['South Dakota', 0], ['Tennessee', 0], ['Texas', 0], ['Utah', 0], ['Vermont', 0], ['Virginia', 0], ['Washington', 0], ['West Virginia', 0], ['Wisconsin', 0], ['Wyoming', 0] ]; }, }, color: { type: String, // '#455A64' value: function() { return 'blue'; } }, options: { type: Object, notify: true, reflectToAttribute: true, computed: '_computeOptions(color)', }, itemIndices: { type: Object, computed: '_computeItemIndices(items)', }, }, observers: [ // '_selectedChanged(selected.*)', 'try(selected.*)' //'_drawChart(items.*, options)', ], ready: function() { var _this = this; this.$.geochart.addEventListener('google-chart-select', function(e) { this._onGoogleChartSelect(e) }.bind(_this)); }, _computeItemIndices: function(a) { var out = {}, i = a.length; while (i--) { out[a[i][0]] = i; } return out; }, _onGoogleChartSelect: function(e) { var s = e.path[0].textContent.split('Select')[0].trim(), // eg 'Ohio' temp = [], a = this.items, index = this.itemIndices[s], // eg 35 i = a.length; this.set('items.' + index + '.1', a[index][1] ? 0 : 1); while (i-- - 1) { /** / if(s === a[i][0]){ this.set('items.' + i + '.1', a[i][1] ? 0 : 1); //this.items[i][1] = a[i][1] ? 0 : 1; } /**/ if (a[i][1]) { temp.push(a[i][0]); } } temp.sort(); this.set('selected', temp); this._drawChart(); //console.log(this.selected); }, /**/ _redrawChart: function() { var j = 1, // iterations s = 1, // delay in seconds _this = this; while (j--) { try { // console.log(j); _this._drawChart(); //return; } catch (e) { // console.log(e.message); setTimeout(function() { //console.log(j); console.log(_this.selected); // undefined }, (s * 1000)); _this._drawChart(); } } }, /**/ _drawChart: function() { console.log('A'); // Successfully logs to console // The key is to get "google" defined at the following line try { var dataTable = this.$.geochart._createDataTable(this.items); // "google" is not defined??? console.log('dataTable: '); // Does not successfully log because crashes above // console.log(dataTable); this.$.geochart._chartObject.draw(dataTable, this.$.geochart.options); } catch (e) {} }, doAll: function(verb) { verb = verb || 'clear'; // verb: 'clear'(default)|'select' verb = (verb === 'select') ? 'select' : 'clear'; this._doAll(verb); this._drawChart(); }, _doAll: function(verb) { var resetSelect = (verb && verb === 'some') ? false : true; verb = verb || 'clear'; // verb: 'clear'(default)|'select'|'some' verb = (verb === 'select') ? 'select' : 'clear'; var temp = []; var items = this.items, i = items.length; switch (verb) { case 'select': while (i-- - 1) { items[i][1] = 1; temp.push(items[i][0]); } break; case 'clear': while (i-- - 1) { items[i][1] = 0; } break; default: break; } this.set('items', items); if (resetSelect) { temp.sort(); this.set('selected', temp); } }, try: function(e) { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { self._selectedChanged(e) }.bind(self), 100) }, //// _selectedChanged: function(e, k) { console.log('selected'); if (k === undefined) { console.log(e); //// return } else { console.log(k); } var a = e.base, i = a.length; this._doAll('some'); while (i--) { var index = this.itemIndices[a[i]]; this.set('items.' + index + '.1', 1); } this._redrawChart(); this.fire('us-map-select', this.selected); // console.log(this.selected);// // console.log(this.items); }, _computeOptions: function(s) { return { region: 'US', displayMode: 'regions', resolution: 'provinces', legend: 'none', defaultColor: 'white', colorAxis: { colors: ['#E0E0E0', s], minValue: 0, maxValue: 1, } } }, _show: function() { //this.set('selected', ['Ohio', 'New Mexico']); this.doAll(); //console.log(this.itemIndices); }, }); })(); </script> </dom-module> <x-element xcolor="#455A64" selected='["Colorado", "South Dakota"]'></x-element> </body> </html> 


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