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apache flink 0.10 如何從無界輸入數據流中第一次出現復合鍵?

[英]apache flink 0.10 how to get the first occurence of a composite key from an unbounded input dataStream?

我是 apache flink 的新手。 我的輸入中有一個未綁定的數據流(通過 kakfa 輸入 flink 0.10)。

我想獲得每個主鍵的第一次出現(主鍵是 contract_num 和 event_dt)。
這些“重復”幾乎緊隨其后。 源系統無法為我過濾這個,所以flink必須這樣做。


contract_num, event_dt, attr 
A1, 2016-02-24 10:25:08, X
A1, 2016-02-24 10:25:08, Y
A1, 2016-02-24 10:25:09, Z
A2, 2016-02-24 10:25:10, C


A1, 2016-02-24 10:25:08, X
A1, 2016-02-24 10:25:09, Z
A2, 2016-02-24 10:25:10, C

請注意,第二行已被刪除,因為 A001 和“2016-02-24 10:25:08”的組合鍵已經出現在第一行中。

我怎樣才能用 flink 0.10 做到這一點?


(我使用 joda-time 和 org.flinkspector 來設置這些測試)。

public void test() {
    DateTime threeSecondsAgo = (new DateTime()).minusSeconds(3);
    DateTime twoSecondsAgo = (new DateTime()).minusSeconds(2);
    DateTime oneSecondsAgo = (new DateTime()).minusSeconds(2);

    DataStream<Tuple3<String, Date, String>> testStream =
                    Tuple3.of("A1", threeSecondsAgo.toDate(), "X"))
            .emit(Tuple3.of("A1", threeSecondsAgo.toDate(), "Y"), after(0, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))
            .emit(Tuple3.of("A1", twoSecondsAgo.toDate(), "Z"), after(0, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))
            .emit(Tuple3.of("A2", oneSecondsAgo.toDate(), "C"), after(0, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS))

如果您的密鑰空間大於可用存儲空間,則通過無限流過濾重復項最終將失敗。 原因是您必須將已經看到的鍵存儲在某處以過濾掉重復項。 因此,最好定義一個時間窗口,之后您可以清除當前看到的密鑰集。

如果您知道這個問題但無論如何都想嘗試一下,您可以通過在keyBy調用之后應用有狀態的flatMap操作來實現。 有狀態映射器使用 Flink 的狀態抽象來存儲它是否已經看到具有此鍵的元素。 這樣,您還將受益於 Flink 的容錯機制,因為您的狀態將被自動檢查點。

一個完成你工作的 Flink 程序可能看起來像

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

    DataStream<Tuple3<String, Date, String>> input = env.fromElements(Tuple3.of("foo", new Date(1000), "bar"), Tuple3.of("foo", new Date(1000), "foobar"));

    input.keyBy(0, 1).flatMap(new DuplicateFilter()).print();


其中DuplicateFilter的實現取決於 Flink 的版本。

版本 >= 1.0 實現

public static class DuplicateFilter extends RichFlatMapFunction<Tuple3<String, Date, String>, Tuple3<String, Date, String>> {

    static final ValueStateDescriptor<Boolean> descriptor = new ValueStateDescriptor<>("seen", Boolean.class, false);
    private ValueState<Boolean> operatorState;

    public void open(Configuration configuration) {
        operatorState = this.getRuntimeContext().getState(descriptor);

    public void flatMap(Tuple3<String, Date, String> value, Collector<Tuple3<String, Date, String>> out) throws Exception {
        if (!operatorState.value()) {
            // we haven't seen the element yet
            // set operator state to true so that we don't emit elements with this key again

0.10 版本實現

public static class DuplicateFilter extends RichFlatMapFunction<Tuple3<String, Date, String>, Tuple3<String, Date, String>> {

    private OperatorState<Boolean> operatorState;

    public void open(Configuration configuration) {
        operatorState = this.getRuntimeContext().getKeyValueState("seen", Boolean.class, false);

    public void flatMap(Tuple3<String, Date, String> value, Collector<Tuple3<String, Date, String>> out) throws Exception {
        if (!operatorState.value()) {
            // we haven't seen the element yet


input.keyBy(0, 1).timeWindow(Time.seconds(1)).apply(new WindowFunction<Iterable<Tuple3<String,Date,String>>, Tuple3<String, Date, String>, Tuple, TimeWindow>() {
    public void apply(Tuple tuple, TimeWindow window, Iterable<Tuple3<String, Date, String>> input, Collector<Tuple3<String, Date, String>> out) throws Exception {

這是我剛寫的另一種方法。 它的缺點是它的自定義代碼有點多,因為它不使用內置的 Flink 窗口函數,但它沒有 Till 提到的延遲損失。 GitHub 上的完整示例。

package com.dataartisans.filters;

import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheLoader;
import com.google.common.cache.LoadingCache;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.RichFilterFunction;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.functions.KeySelector;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.checkpoint.CheckpointedAsynchronously;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

  * This class filters duplicates that occur within a configurable time of each other in a data stream.
public class DedupeFilterFunction<T, K extends Serializable> extends RichFilterFunction<T> implements CheckpointedAsynchronously<HashSet<K>> {

  private LoadingCache<K, Boolean> dedupeCache;
  private final KeySelector<T, K> keySelector;
  private final long cacheExpirationTimeMs;

    * @param cacheExpirationTimeMs The expiration time for elements in the cache
  public DedupeFilterFunction(KeySelector<T, K> keySelector, long cacheExpirationTimeMs){
    this.keySelector = keySelector;
    this.cacheExpirationTimeMs = cacheExpirationTimeMs;

  public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception {

  public boolean filter(T value) throws Exception {
    K key = keySelector.getKey(value);
    boolean seen = dedupeCache.get(key);
    if (!seen) {
      dedupeCache.put(key, true);
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  public HashSet<K> snapshotState(long checkpointId, long checkpointTimestamp) throws Exception {
    return new HashSet<>(dedupeCache.asMap().keySet());

  public void restoreState(HashSet<K> state) throws Exception {
    for (K key : state) {
      dedupeCache.put(key, true);

  private void createDedupeCache() {
    dedupeCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
      .expireAfterWrite(cacheExpirationTimeMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
      .build(new CacheLoader<K, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean load(K k) throws Exception {
          return false;


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