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[英]HTML custom attribute always return undefined in Jquery


<input type="text" id="Search" select-box-search="true" select-box-search-url="testURL" /> 


 $(":input[select-box-search]").each(function () {
            source: function (request) {
                var url = $(this).attr("select-box-search-url");
                    async: false,
                    cache: false,
                    type: "POST",
                    url: url,
                    data: { "term": request.term},
                    success: function (data) {


“ URL”始終是未定義的。 但是,“ this”是指正確的元素(在Chrome中調試時)。 缺少什么?


$this context inside the source: function (request)提供了不同的context inside the source: function (request) 。因此,在進入函數之前,您需要緩存元素

 $(":input[select-box-search]").each(function () {
    var $element = $(this);
        source: function (request) {
            var url = $element.attr("select-box-search-url");
                async: false,
                cache: false,
                type: "POST",
                url: url,
                data: { "term": request.term},
                success: function (data) {


$(this)將在自動完成功能內提供不同的上下文。 嘗試這個 :-

$(":input[select-box-search]").each(function () {
        var $this = $(this); //store $(this) reference inside a variable
            source: function (request) {
                var url = $this.attr("select-box-search-url"); //change here
                    async: false,
                    cache: false,
                    type: "POST",
                    url: url,
                    data: { "term": request.term},
                    success: function (data) {


注意 :-使用HTML5 data-*屬性而不是使用自己的自定義屬性。



$(":input[select-box-search]").each(function () {
            source: function (request) {

var url = $(this.element).attr('select-box-search');

                    async: false,
                    cache: false,
                    type: "POST",
                    url: url,
                    data: { "term": request.term},
                    success: function (data) {




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outerHTML: "<input type="text" id="Search" select-box-search="true" select-box-search-url="testURL">"
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__proto__: HTMLInputElement


    function) {
    element: n.fn.init[1],
    uuid: 0,
    eventNamespace: ".autocomplete0",
    options: Object,
    bindings: n.fn.init[3]…
_super: () _superApply: (args) bindings: n.fn.init[3] 0: input# Search.ui - autocomplete - input.ui - autocomplete - loading1: ul# ui - id - 1. ui - autocomplete.ui - front.ui - menu.ui - widget.ui - widget - content.ui - corner - all2: Windowcontext: undefinedlength: 3 prevObject: n.fn.init[2] __proto__: n[0] cancelSearch: falsedocument: n.fn.init[1] 0: documentcontext: documentlength: 1 __proto__: n[0] element: n.fn.init[1] 0: input# Search.ui - autocomplete - input.ui - autocomplete - loadingaccept: ""
accessKey: ""
align: ""
alt: ""
attributes: NamedNodeMapautocapitalize: "sentences"
autocomplete: "off"
autofocus: falsebaseURI: "file:///Users/avagrawal/Desktop/sent/hammer/index.html"
checked: falsechildElementCount: 0 childNodes: NodeList[0] children: HTMLCollection[0] classList: DOMTokenList[2] className: "ui-autocomplete-input ui-autocomplete-loading"
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dir: ""
dirName: ""
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formEnctype: ""
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formNoValidate: falseformTarget: ""
height: 0 hidden: falseid: "Search"
incremental: falseindeterminate: falseinnerHTML: ""
innerText: ""
isContentEditable: falsejQuery2210183872326975688342: ObjectjQuery2210183872326975688341: Objectlabels: NodeList[0] lang: ""
lastChild: nulllastElementChild: nulllist: nulllocalName: "input"
max: ""
maxLength: 524288 min: ""
minLength: 0 multiple: falsename: ""
namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
nextElementSibling: span.ui - helper - hidden - accessiblenextSibling: span.ui - helper - hidden - accessiblenodeName: "INPUT"
nodeType: 1 nodeValue: nulloffsetHeight: 19 offsetLeft: 8 offsetParent: bodyoffsetTop: 8 offsetWidth: 131 onabort: nullonautocomplete: nullonautocompleteerror: nullonbeforecopy: nullonbeforecut: nullonbeforepaste: nullonblur: nulloncancel: nulloncanplay: nulloncanplaythrough: nullonchange: nullonclick: nullonclose: nulloncontextmenu: nulloncopy: nulloncuechange: nulloncut: nullondblclick: nullondrag: nullondragend: nullondragenter: nullondragleave: nullondragover: nullondragstart: nullondrop: nullondurationchange: nullonemptied: nullonended: nullonerror: nullonfocus: nulloninput: nulloninvalid: nullonkeydown: nullonkeypress: nullonkeyup: nullonload: nullonloadeddata: nullonloadedmetadata: nullonloadstart: nullonmousedown: nullonmouseenter: nullonmouseleave: nullonmousemove: nullonmouseout: nullonmouseover: nullonmouseup: nullonmousewheel: nullonpaste: nullonpause: nullonplay: nullonplaying: nullonprogress: nullonratechange: nullonreset: nullonresize: nullonscroll: nullonsearch: nullonseeked: nullonseeking: nullonselect: nullonselectstart: nullonshow: nullonstalled: nullonsubmit: nullonsuspend: nullontimeupdate: nullontoggle: nullonvolumechange: nullonwaiting: nullonwebkitfullscreenchange: nullonwebkitfullscreenerror: nullonwheel: nullouterHTML: "<input type="
text " id="
Search " select-box-search="
true " select-box-search-url="
testURL " class="
ui - autocomplete - input ui - autocomplete - loading " autocomplete="
off ">"
outerText: ""
ownerDocument: documentparentElement: bodyparentNode: bodypattern: ""
placeholder: ""
prefix: nullpreviousElementSibling: scriptpreviousSibling: textreadOnly: falserequired: falsescrollHeight: 15 scrollLeft: 0 scrollTop: 0 scrollWidth: 127 selectionDirection: "none"
selectionEnd: 1 selectionStart: 1 shadowRoot: nullsize: 20 spellcheck: truesrc: ""
step: ""
style: CSSStyleDeclarationtabIndex: 0 tagName: "INPUT"
textContent: ""
title: ""
translate: truetype: "text"
useMap: ""
validationMessage: ""
validity: ValidityStatevalue: "a"
valueAsDate: nullvalueAsNumber: NaNwebkitEntries: Array[0] webkitdirectory: falsewebkitdropzone: ""
width: 0 willValidate: true__proto__: HTMLInputElementcontext: input# Search.ui - autocomplete - input.ui - autocomplete - loadingaccept: ""
accessKey: ""
align: ""
alt: ""
attributes: NamedNodeMapautocapitalize: "sentences"
autocomplete: "off"
autofocus: falsebaseURI: "file:///Users/avagrawal/Desktop/sent/hammer/index.html"
checked: falsechildElementCount: 0 childNodes: NodeList[0] children: HTMLCollection[0] classList: DOMTokenList[2] className: "ui-autocomplete-input ui-autocomplete-loading"
clientHeight: 15 clientLeft: 2 clientTop: 2 clientWidth: 127 contentEditable: "inherit"
dataset: DOMStringMapdefaultChecked: falsedefaultValue: ""
dir: ""
dirName: ""
disabled: falsedraggable: falsefiles: nullfirstChild: nullfirstElementChild: nullform: nullformAction: "file:///Users/avagrawal/Desktop/sent/hammer/index.html"
formEnctype: ""
formMethod: ""
formNoValidate: falseformTarget: ""
height: 0 hidden: falseid: "Search"
incremental: falseindeterminate: falseinnerHTML: ""
innerText: ""
isContentEditable: falsejQuery2210183872326975688342: ObjectjQuery2210183872326975688341: Objectlabels: NodeList[0] lang: ""
lastChild: nulllastElementChild: nulllist: nulllocalName: "input"
max: ""
maxLength: 524288 min: ""
minLength: 0 multiple: falsename: ""
namespaceURI: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
nextElementSibling: span.ui - helper - hidden - accessiblenextSibling: span.ui - helper - hidden - accessiblenodeName: "INPUT"
nodeType: 1 nodeValue: nulloffsetHeight: 19 offsetLeft: 8 offsetParent: bodyoffsetTop: 8 offsetWidth: 131 onabort: nullonautocomplete: nullonautocompleteerror: nullonbeforecopy: nullonbeforecut: nullonbeforepaste: nullonblur: nulloncancel: nulloncanplay: nulloncanplaythrough: nullonchange: nullonclick: nullonclose: nulloncontextmenu: nulloncopy: nulloncuechange: nulloncut: nullondblclick: nullondrag: nullondragend: nullondragenter: nullondragleave: nullondragover: nullondragstart: nullondrop: nullondurationchange: nullonemptied: nullonended: nullonerror: nullonfocus: nulloninput: nulloninvalid: nullonkeydown: nullonkeypress: nullonkeyup: nullonload: nullonloadeddata: nullonloadedmetadata: nullonloadstart: nullonmousedown: nullonmouseenter: nullonmouseleave: nullonmousemove: nullonmouseout: nullonmouseover: nullonmouseup: nullonmousewheel: nullonpaste: nullonpause: nullonplay: nullonplaying: nullonprogress: nullonratechange: nullonreset: nullonresize: nullonscroll: nullonsearch: nullonseeked: nullonseeking: nullonselect: nullonselectstart: nullonshow: nullonstalled: nullonsubmit: nullonsuspend: nullontimeupdate: nullontoggle: nullonvolumechange: nullonwaiting: nullonwebkitfullscreenchange: nullonwebkitfullscreenerror: nullonwheel: nullouterHTML: "<input type="
text " id="
Search " select-box-search="
true " select-box-search-url="
testURL " class="
ui - autocomplete - input ui - autocomplete - loading " autocomplete="
off ">"
outerText: ""
ownerDocument: documentparentElement: bodyparentNode: bodypattern: ""
placeholder: ""
prefix: nullpreviousElementSibling: scriptpreviousSibling: textreadOnly: falserequired: falsescrollHeight: 15 scrollLeft: 0 scrollTop: 0 scrollWidth: 127 selectionDirection: "none"
selectionEnd: 1 selectionStart: 1 shadowRoot: nullsize: 20 spellcheck: truesrc: ""
step: ""
style: CSSStyleDeclarationtabIndex: 0 tagName: "INPUT"
textContent: ""
title: ""
translate: truetype: "text"
useMap: ""
validationMessage: ""
validity: ValidityStatevalue: "a"
valueAsDate: nullvalueAsNumber: NaNwebkitEntries: Array[0] webkitdirectory: falsewebkitdropzone: ""
width: 0 willValidate: true__proto__: HTMLInputElementlength: 1 __proto__: n[0] eventNamespace: ".autocomplete0"
focusable: n.fn.init[0] hoverable: n.fn.init[0] isMultiLine: falseisNewMenu: trueliveRegion: n.fn.init[1] menu: $.(anonymous
    function) options: Objectpending: 1 previous: ""
searching: 3 selectedItem: nullsource: (request) term: "a"
uuid: 0 valueMethod: (a) window: n.fn.init[1] __proto__: $.(anonymous


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