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[英]How to add an event handler to an element which is rendered on a button click?

我在頁面上有兩個鏈接。 當我單擊第二個鏈接時,它顯示某些字段。 我想為其中一個字段編寫一個onkeyup()事件處理程序。 我已經編寫了這樣的代碼,但我缺少了一些東西。 請幫忙。

        var inputBox;
        $().ready(function() {

             //cc_sec is the id of the second link in my page.
               inputBox = document.getElementById("{!$Component.pg.pb.cardForm.cardnumber}");
               //This alert is giving me the ID of the element correctly.

            //This is not working. inputBox is declared as global variable.
            inputBox.onkeyup = function(){
                document.getElementById('printCardNo').innerHTML = inputBox.value;


請指出我的錯誤。 TIA :)

更新:只有單擊cc_sec鏈接后,我才能通過ID獲取元素。 所以我不能做inputBox = document.getElementById("{!$Component.pg.pb.cardForm.cardnumber}"); ready功能的開始。

使用jQuery .on將eventhandler添加到動態創建的元素中。

    document.getElementById('printCardNo').innerHTML = $(this).val();


  1. 在准備好文檔中調用document.getElementById:

     var inputBox; $().ready(function() { inputBox = document.getElementById("{!$Component.pg.pb.cardForm.cardnumber}"); //cc_sec is the id of the second link in my page. $('#cc_sec').click(function() { alert(inputBox.id); //This alert is giving me the ID of the element correctly. }); inputBox.onkeyup = function() { alert(inputBox.value); document.getElementById('printCardNo').innerHTML = inputBox.value; }; }); 
  2. 或在點擊事件中設置onkeyup:

     var inputBox; $().ready(function() { //cc_sec is the id of the second link in my page. $('#cc_sec').click(function() { inputBox = document.getElementById("{!$Component.pg.pb.cardForm.cardnumber}"); alert(inputBox.id); //This alert is giving me the ID of the element correctly. inputBox.onkeyup = function() { alert(inputBox.value); document.getElementById('printCardNo').innerHTML = inputBox.value; }; }); }); 


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