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Java。 Selenium Webdriver。 從表中獲取單元格值

[英]Java. Selenium webdriver. Get cell value from table


<table class="table_results data ajax" data-uniqueId="20605">
    <tr class="odd">
     <td data-decimals="0" data-type="int" class="right data  not_null  nowrap">1</td>
     <td data-decimals="0" data-type="string" data-originallength="5" class="data  not_null   text ">user1</td>
     <td data-decimals="0" data-type="string" data-originallength="40" class="data  not_null   text ">e38ad214943daad1d64c102faec29de4afe9da3d</td>
     <td data-decimals="0" data-type="string" data-originallength="14" class="data  not_null   text ">user1@mail.com</td>
     <td data-decimals="0" data-type="string" data-originallength="6" class="data  not_null   text ">Smith</td>
     <td data-decimals="0" data-type="string" data-originallength="1" class="data  not_null   text ">&quot;</td>

所以我需要檢索單元格值。 還有一件事是,通過瀏覽器的源代碼選項查看代碼時,其外觀與上面相同。 但是,當使用Firefox的Firebug時,它還表明值位於內部



我知道xPath是解決方案。 在過去的2個小時中,我嘗試了很多,但沒有一個奏效。 當然,我也看到過類似問題的解決方案,但以某種方式,它們不適合我。


WebElement table_element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table//tbody"));
    ArrayList<WebElement> rows = (ArrayList<WebElement>) table_element.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));
    for (WebElement row : rows) {
        ArrayList<WebElement> cells = (ArrayList<WebElement>) row.findElements(By.tagName("//td"));
        for (WebElement cell : cells) {
 * match a string to the text of a table cell and return that row.
 * @param table the table the data is in
 * @param cellTextEquals the text to identify the row e.g. unique ID
 * @param intCellToFind the column index in which to look for that text
 * @return table row
protected WebElement getRowFromTable(WebElement table,
        String cellTextEquals, int intCellToFind) {
    WebElement tableBody = table.findElement(By.tagName("tbody"));
    List<WebElement> rows = tableBody.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));
    for (WebElement row : rows) {
        List<WebElement> td = row.findElements(By.tagName("td"));
        if (td.size() > 0
                && td.get(intCellToFind).getText().equals(cellTextEquals)) {
            return row;
    return null;

 * match a string to the text of a cell and return the text of 
 * another specified cell in that row
 * @param table the table the data is in
 * @param cellTextEquals the text to identify the row e.g. unique ID
 * @param intCellToFind the column index in which to look for that text
 * @param intCellToReturn the column index of the cell text you want to return
 * @return text of a specific cell in an html table
protected String getTextFromTableCell(WebElement table, String cellTextEquals,
        int intCellToFind, int intCellToReturn) {
    WebElement row = getRowFromTable(table, cellTextEquals, intCellToFind);
    List<WebElement> td = row.findElements(By.tagName("td"));
    if (td.get(intCellToFind).getText().equals(cellTextEquals)) {
        return td.get(intCellToReturn).getText();
    return null;

 * Gets an element from a table, either button or tagName, from a table.
 * @param table the table the data is in
 * @param cellTextEquals the text to identify the row e.g. unique ID
 * @param intCellToFind the column index in which to look for that text
 * @param intCellToReturn the column index of the cell where the element is you want to return
 * @param buttonText the button text if it's a button element you want
 * @param tagName the tag name of the element i=icon, a=link etc.
 * @return Element By.tagName or button
protected WebElement getElementFromTableCell(WebElement table,
                                             String cellTextEquals, int intCellToFind, int intCellToReturn,
                                             String buttonText, String tagName) {
    WebElement row = getRowFromTable(table, cellTextEquals, intCellToFind);
    if (row != null) {
        List<WebElement> td = row.findElements(By.tagName("td"));
        if (td.get(intCellToFind).getText().equals(cellTextEquals)) {
            if (!buttonText.equals("")) {
                return td.get(intCellToReturn).findElement(By.xpath(
                        "//button[contains(text(),'" + buttonText + "')]"));
            } else {
                return td.get(intCellToReturn)
    return null;


List<WebElement> rows = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("table.table_results tr"));
for (WebElement row: rows) {
    List<WebElement> cells = row.findElements(By.cssSelector("td.data"));
    for (WebElement cell: cells) {


List<WebElement> TRCollection = driver.findElement(By.className("table_results data ajax")).findElements(By.tagName("tr"));

for (WebElement tr : TRCollection) 
   List<WebElement> TDCollection = tr.findElements(By.tagName("td"));
   for (WebElement td: TDCollection) 


List<WebElement> tables = driver.findElements(By.tagName("table"));



List<WebElement> TRCollection = tables[2].findElements(By.tagName("tr"));


string userName = "user1";
WebElement row = driver.findElement(By.xPath("//table[contains(@class, 'table_results')]/tbody/tr/td[2][text()='" + userName + "']/.."));

List<WebElement> cells = row.findElements(By.cssSelector("td.data"));
for (WebElement cell: cells) {

在這種情況下,我使用td[2]獲取該行的第二列並比較用戶名。 如果需要比較其他字段,可以進行修改。


$x("your xpath selector here")


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