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[英]If Downcasting Should Be Avoided, What Should I Do?


public interface IGameObject {

    String gameObjectID();
    String gameObjectName();
    void isActionValid(String action);
    void viewActions();


package gameprobjectpackage;

public abstract class Weapon implements IGameObject {
//Left out getters/setters to keep it simple
private String gameOjectID;
private String gameObjectName;
private int damage;

public Weapon(String gameOjectID, String gameObjectName,int damage) {
    this.gameOjectID = gameOjectID;
    this.gameObjectName = gameObjectName;
    this.damage = damage;

我發現一些帖子表明應該避免向下傾斜。 我理解為什么,但是,我的問題是,如果我需要訪問特定於子類的方法,我該怎么辦。 例如:

public class ChargeGun extends Weapon {

private String [] chargeGunActions;

public ChargeGun(String gameOjectID, String gameObjectName, int damage) {
    super(gameOjectID, gameObjectName, damage);

        chargeGunActions = new String [3];
        chargeGunActions[0] = "Charge and Fire";
        chargeGunActions[1] = "Release";
        chargeGunActions[2] = "Drop Gun";

//This method is only meant for gun, and this type of gun is the only one in my game.  
//This method, I don't belive should be in the abstract method weapon, because NOT every weapon is a gun.

public void reloadGun()


我存儲在一個像這樣的interventory hashmap中:

Map<String,IGameObject> inventory = new HashMap<String,IGameObject>();

當我檢索它時,我將獲得一個IGameObject ,如何正確地投射它,以便我可以訪問ChargeGun的方法?

您可以使用訪客模式使您免於投射。 這個想法很簡單:你有一個IGameObject的清單,它有一個方法accept(GameObjectVisitor v)直接調用v.visit(this)。 在GameObjectVisitor中,您只需為每個實現實現訪問方法:例如訪問(Chargegun g),訪問(Sword s)等...

換句話說,它就像回旋鏢的原理:GameObjectVisitor調用item.accept(this),而Item實現接受(GameObjectVisitor g)和一個簡單的g.visit(this)。



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