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[英]Why isn't this countdown javascript working on any browser other than chrome

Safari中似乎沒有任何錯誤,並且可以在Chrome上正常運行,但這些數字並未在Safari中顯示。 我還檢查了Safari和Chrome的移動版本,但兩者均無效。 老實說,我無法理解問題所在,也許我格式化不正確,Chrome會自動對此進行補償。

代碼本身是非常基本的,只是一個簡單的函數,需要兩個日期時間並將其轉換為保存天數,小時數,分鍾數和秒數的對象。 然后,僅以1秒的間隔調用另一個函數,並將數據放入正確的元素中。




    function TimeTill( startDate, targetDate, floor ){

        //Set the starting information
        var now = startDate;
        var tar = Date.parse( targetDate );
        var til = tar - now;

        //Split the basic millieseconds between each date into days with a decimal
        var days = til / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;

        //Take the decimal from days and multiply it by the hours in a day
        var hours = ( days % 1 ) * 24;

        //Take the decimal from hours and multiply it by the minutes in an hour
        var minutes = ( hours % 1 ) * 60;

        //Take the decimal from minutes and multiply it by the seconds in a minute
        var seconds = ( minutes % 1 ) * 60;

        //Store each value in its respective property, flooring it if required
        if ( floor == true ){

            this.days = Math.floor(days);
            this.hours = Math.floor(hours);
            this.minutes = Math.floor(minutes);
            this.seconds = Math.floor(seconds);


            this.days = days;
            this.hours = hours;
            this.minutes = minutes;
            this.seconds = seconds;



    function updateScreen(){
        //Store the time between two dates in an object
        launchIn = new TimeTill( Date.now(), '2016-04-15 20:00:00 CDT', true );

        //Output the time parts to their respective divs

    //Start and continue Loop
    setInterval( updateScreen, 1000 );



new TimeTill(Date.now(),'2016-04-15 20:00:00 CDT',true);


事實證明,代碼是正確的,顯然問題是我使用的時間戳“ Ymd H:i:s”與某些跨瀏覽器標准(稱為“符合IETF的RFC 2822時間戳”)不兼容。

基本上,我使用破折號代替斜杠,並且顯然破折號僅適用於chrome。 誰會猜到的。


new TimeTill( Date.now(), new Date('2016/04/15 20:00:00 CDT'), true );

一切都很好。 謝謝大家!

作為目標日期,而不是Date.parse('2016-04-15 20:00:00 CDT')使用類似於new Date(2016, 04, 15, 20) Date.parse('2016-04-15 20:00:00 CDT')東西。

然后在TimeTill而不是var til = tar - now; TimeTill var til = tar - now; 使用var til = targetDate - now;



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