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[英]how can i make the following code work with both ascending and descending numbers

我正在使用下面的代碼在8個[數量]字段中找到一個值,該值與[制造數量]字段中的值最接近。 如果[qty]字段中的值是遞增值,則代碼可以按我的要求工作。 例如。 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80

如果值降序或混合,則代碼將失敗。 80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10或10,30,50,40,70,20,80等


If Me![Make Quantity] <= Me![qty1] Then
    materialprice = Me![raw1]

ElseIf Me![Make Quantity] <= Me![qty2] And Me![Make Quantity] > Me![qty1] Then
    materialprice = Me![raw1]

ElseIf Me![Make Quantity] <= Me![qty3] And Me![Make Quantity] > Me![qty2] Then
    materialprice = Me![raw2]

ElseIf Me![Make Quantity] <= Me![qty4] And Me![Make Quantity] > Me![qty3] Then
    materialprice = Me![raw3]

ElseIf Me![Make Quantity] <= Me![qty5] And Me![Make Quantity] > Me![qty4] Then
    materialprice = Me![raw4]

ElseIf Me![Make Quantity] <= Me![qty6] And Me![Make Quantity] > Me![qty5] Then
    materialprice = Me![raw5]

ElseIf Me![Make Quantity] <= Me![qty7] And Me![Make Quantity] > Me![qty6] Then
    materialprice = Me![raw6]

ElseIf Me![Make Quantity] <= Me![qty8] And Me![Make Quantity] > Me![qty7] Then
    materialprice = Me![raw7]

    materialprice = Me![raw8]

End If

更新!! 更改了代碼,以便如果QTY <最低,則默認為最低; 如果>最高,則使用最高。

這是我放在一起的一些代碼...由於沒有您的數據,我將測試數據加載到8對文本框中(使用您的字段名)。 請注意,我在“制造數量”文本框中使用了“更改”事件來調用代碼。 您可以強制執行,但是您可以...


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i   As Integer
Dim MakeQuantity    As Integer
Dim materialprice    As Double

Me.qty1 = 30: Me.qty2 = 20: Me.qty3 = 70: Me.qty4 = 50: Me.qty5 = 10: Me.qty6 = 60: Me.qty7 = 80: Me.qty8 = 70
Me.raw1 = 3.3: Me.raw2 = 2.2: Me.raw3 = 7.7: Me.raw4 = 5.5: Me.raw5 = 1.1: Me.raw6 = 6.6: Me.raw7 = 8.8: Me.raw8 = 7.7

End Sub

    Private Sub Make_Quantity_AfterUpdate()
Dim i       As Integer
Dim iDiff   As Integer
Dim iLow    As Integer
Dim iMatch  As Integer
Dim iHigh   As Integer
Dim dPriceL As Double
Dim dPriceH As Double
Dim dPriceM As Double
Dim iQtyL   As Integer
Dim iQtyH   As Integer

    iLow = 30000
    iHigh = 0
    iMatch = 10
    Debug.Print "Find Qty of: " & Me.[Make Quantity]
For i = 1 To 8
    If Int(Me("qty" & i)) <= iLow Then
        iLow = Int(Me("qty" & i))
        dPriceL = Me("raw" & i)
        iQtyL = Int(Me("qty" & i))
    End If
    If Int(Me("qty" & i)) >= iHigh Then
        iHigh = Int(Me("qty" & i))
        dPriceH = Me("raw" & i)
        iQtyH = Int(Me("qty" & i))
    End If

    iDiff = Abs(Me.[Make Quantity] - Me("qty" & i))
    If Int(Me("qty" & i)) <= Int(Me.[Make Quantity]) Then
        If iDiff <= iMatch Then
            iMatch = iDiff
            dPriceM = Me("raw" & i)
        End If
    End If
    Debug.Print "i: " & i & vbTab & "Qty: " & Me("qty" & i) & vbTab & "Diff: " & iDiff & vbTab & "Raw: " & Me("raw" & i)
Next i

    If dPriceM <> 0 Then    ' Did we find a suitable match?
        MsgBox "Make Quantity: " & Me.[Make Quantity] & vbCrLf & "Price: " & dPriceM
    Else        ' Didn't find a good match; must be < lowest or > highest
        If iQtyL > Int(Me.[Make Quantity]) Then     ' Greater than lowest QTY, use Lowest QTY price...
            MsgBox "Make Quantity: " & Me.[Make Quantity] & vbCrLf & "Price: " & dPriceL
        ElseIf iQtyH < Int(Me.[Make Quantity]) Then     ' Greater than highest QTY, use highest QTY price...
            MsgBox "Make Quantity: " & Me.[Make Quantity] & vbCrLf & "Price: " & dPriceH
            MsgBox "Impossible? Asked for Qty of: " & Me.[Make Quantity] & vbCrLf & _
                "Lowest Qty: " & iQtyL & vbTab & _
                "Highest Qty: " & iQtyH

        End If
    End If
End Sub


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