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C ++中的模板迭代器,解引用和typedef

[英]Template iterators, dereferencing, and typedef in C++

我正在從一個正在處理的程序中得到奇怪的結果,無法弄清錯誤在哪里或為什么得到它。 我正在研究使用模板化迭代器的模板化四叉樹類。 即使我的函數似乎正常工作,它也不會返回找到的值。


template <class number_type, class label_type>
class QuadTree {
    QuadTree() : size_(0), root_(NULL) {}

    unsigned int size() const { return size_; }

    typedef DepthIterator<number_type, label_type> iterator;

    iterator begin() const {
        return root_;
    iterator end() const { return iterator(NULL); }

    // This is the function not returning the expected value 
    iterator find(number_type x, number_type y, Node<number_type, label_type>* parent = NULL) {
        if (parent == NULL) {
            // start at the root, if equal return, otherwise call recursively
            if (root_->pt.x == x && root_->pt.y == y) { return iterator(root_); }
            else {
                return find(x, y, root_);
        else {
            int quadrant;
            // find the quadrant of the point
            if (x < parent->pt.x && y < parent->pt.y) {
                quadrant = 0;
            else if (x > parent->pt.x && y < parent->pt.y) {
                quadrant = 1;
            else if (x < parent->pt.x && y > parent->pt.y) {
                quadrant = 2;
            else if (x > parent->pt.x && y > parent->pt.y) {
                quadrant = 3;
            // see if the quadrant is a branch or a leaf
            if (parent->children[quadrant] == NULL) {
                // child is a leaf and it matches the search
                if (x == parent->pt.x && y == parent->pt.y) { return iterator(parent); }
                // child is a leaf, but it does not match the search
                else { return iterator(NULL); }
            else {
                // child is a branch, check if it's equal and return if it is, if not, continue on
                if (x == parent->pt.x && y == parent->pt.y) { return iterator(parent); }
                else { find(x, y, parent->children[quadrant]); }
    unsigned int size_;
    Node<number_type, label_type>* root_;

似乎我的find函數在我的四叉樹上找到了正確的節點,因為我可以使用std :: cout打印出父級,然后再將其返回正確的值。 然而

return iterator(parent);



template <class number_type, class label_type>
class DepthIterator {
    DepthIterator() : ptr_(NULL) {}
    DepthIterator(Node<number_type, label_type>* n) : ptr_(n) {}
    DepthIterator(const DepthIterator& old) : ptr_(old.ptr_) {}
    ~DepthIterator() {}

    DepthIterator& operator=(const DepthIterator& old) { ptr_ = old.ptr_; return *this; }
    const Point<number_type>& operator*() const { return ptr_->pt; }
    bool operator== (const DepthIterator& rgt) { return ptr_ == rgt.ptr_; }
    bool operator!= (const DepthIterator& rgt) { return ptr_ != rgt.ptr_; }

    label_type getLabel() const { return ptr_->label; }

    Node<number_type, label_type>* ptr_;

也許我的復制或取消引用位是問題嗎? 我傾向於取消引用,因為我的find函數在使用該操作之前有效,但在使用該操作之后無效。


template <class number_type, class label_type>
class Node {
    Node() {}
    Node(Point<number_type> p, label_type l) : pt(p), label(l) { parent = NULL; }

    Node& operator=(const Node& old) { pt = old.pt; label = old.label; parent = *old; return *this; }

    Point<number_type> pt;
    label_type label;
    Node<number_type, label_type>* children[4];
    Node<number_type, label_type>* parent;


QuadTree<int, char>::iterator itr = test.find(20,10);
// the point (20,10) does exist in the quadtree
assert (itr != test.end());
assert (itr.getLabel() == 'A');
// both of these tests pass

const Point<int> &pt = *itr;
assert (pt.x == 20);
assert (pt.y == 10);
// both of these tests pass

QuadTree<int,char>::iterator itr = test.find(4,7);
// the point (4,7) does exist in the quadtree
assert (itr != test.end());
// this test fails however ^
assert (itr.getLabel() == 'B');

第一個測試有效,但是第二個無效。 我不確定這是否是因為第一個測試是根節點,而第二個測試不是,或者是因為我在中間取消引用,還是完全出於其他原因。 我對C ++還是有些陌生,並且真的很難實現這一點。 誰能解釋為什么我的查找功能不起作用?

 iterator find(number_type x, number_type y, Node<number_type, label_type>* parent = NULL) {
    if (parent == NULL) {
        // start at the root, if equal return, otherwise call recursively
        if (root_->pt.x == x && root_->pt.y == y) { return iterator(root_); }
        else {
            return find(x, y, root_);
    else {
        int quadrant;
        // find the quadrant of the point
        if (x < parent->pt.x && y < parent->pt.y) {
            quadrant = 0;
        else if (x > parent->pt.x && y < parent->pt.y) {
            quadrant = 1;
        else if (x < parent->pt.x && y > parent->pt.y) {
            quadrant = 2;
        else if (x > parent->pt.x && y > parent->pt.y) {
            quadrant = 3;
        // see if the quadrant is a branch or a leaf
        if (parent->children[quadrant] == NULL) {
            // child is a leaf and it matches the search
            if (x == parent->pt.x && y == parent->pt.y) { return iterator(parent); }
            // child is a leaf, but it does not match the search
            else { return iterator(NULL); }
        else {
            // child is a branch, check if it's equal and return if it is, if not, continue on
            if (x == parent->pt.x && y == parent->pt.y) { return iterator(parent); }
            else { find(x, y, parent->children[quadrant]); }

問題是如果x == parent-> pt.x或y == parent-> pt.y會導致不確定的行為,因為象限將不會被定義,因為所有if條件都不能為真。 在這種情況下, parent->children[quadrant] == NULL行為類似於schrodinger的貓,可能是正確的,也可能是錯誤的。


if (x <= parent->pt.x && y <= parent->pt.y) {
        quadrant = 0;
    else if (x > parent->pt.x && y <= parent->pt.y) {
        quadrant = 1;
    else if (x <= parent->pt.x && y > parent->pt.y) {
        quadrant = 2;
    else if (x > parent->pt.x && y > parent->pt.y) {
        quadrant = 3;


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