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[英]How can I have access to one item's variables in another class that is not related with it?

我是java的新手,並且我已經搜索了很長時間。 如何在Player類中訪問項目的b變量?(我發布的鱈魚是我完整程序的一部分,因此請不要介意是否看到以下代碼中未聲明的方法或變量)

import java.util.Random;
public abstract class Player {
 private int x, y;
 private String name;
 private int pNumber;
 private int mLine;
 private int tLine;
 private boolean possession;
 private int c;
 private int f = 0;
 private int i = 0;

 public int getPlx() {
  return x;
 public void setPlx(int x) {
  this.x = x;
 public int getPly() {
  return y;
 public void setPly(int y) {
  this.y = y;
 public String getPName() {
  return name;
 public void setPName(String name) {
  this.name = name;
 public int getPNum() {
  return pNumber;
 public void setPNum(int pNumber) {
  this.pNumber = pNumber;
 public int getMLine() {
  return mLine;
 public void setMLine(int mLine) {
  this.mLine = mLine;
 public int getLine() {
  return tLine;
 public void setTLine(int tLine) {
  this.tLine = tLine;
 public boolean getPos() {
  return possession;
 public void setPos(boolean possession) {
  this.possession = possession;

 private Random rand = new Random();

 public void Move() { //me8odos metakinisis
  c = rand.nextInt(2);
  if (c == 0) {
  } else {
 public void Pass() {
  if (this.possession == true) {
   c = rand.nextInt(10);
   while ((f == 0) && (i < 10)) {
    if (main.barcelona.get(i).name == this.name) {}
 public abstract void SpecialMove();

public class Ball {
 private int x, y;
 private Player formerP = null;
 private Player currentP = null;

 public Ball(int x, int y, Player formerP, Player currentP) {
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;
  this.formerP = formerP;
  this.currentP = currentP;

 public int getBX() {
  return x;
 public void setBX(int x) {
  this.x = x;
 public int getBY() {
  return y;
 public void setBY(int y) {
  this.y = y;

 void Assign(Player playerP) {
  int px = playerP.getPlx();
  if (this.currentP == null) {
   if (((this.x - px <= 1) || (px - this.x) <= 1) 
       && ((this.x - px <= 1) || (px - this.x) = 1)) {
    this.currentP = playerP;
    this.formerP.possession = false;
    playerP.possession = true;

    if (this.currentP.team == this.formerP.team) {
     int pass = this.currentP.getPasses();
    } else {
     int mistake = this.currentP.getMistakes();
  this.formerP = this.currentP;
  this.currentP = null;
  this.formerP = null;

如果您不想在Player類中實例化Ball類, 並且想確保所有玩家都在玩一個唯一的球,請考慮將Ball變成Singleton

在軟件工程中,單例模式是一種設計模式,用於將類的實例化限制為一個對象。 當僅需要一個對象來協調整個系統中的動作時,這將很有用。

public class Ball {
    private static Ball singletonBall;

    private int x;
    private int y;
    private Player formerP;
    private Player currentP;

    public static Ball getSingletonBall() {
        if(singletonBall == null){
            singletonBall = new Ball();
        return singletonBall;

    public int getX() {
        return x;

    public void setX(int x) {
        this.x = x;

    public int getY() {
        return y;

    public void setY(int y) {
        this.y = y;

    public Player getFormerP() {
        return formerP;

    public void setFormerP(Player formerP) {
        this.formerP = formerP;

    public Player getCurrentP() {
        return currentP;

    public void setCurrentP(Player currentP) {
        this.currentP = currentP;




class Player {
    Ball ball;

    public Player(Ball ball) {
       this.ball = ball;


class Player {
    public void dribble(Ball ball) {
    // do something with the ball
        ball.setPosition(10, 20);


public static void main(String[] args) {
    Player player = new Player();
    Ball ball = new Ball();

嘗試BallClassName.getX(); 您可能必須使getX靜態


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