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[英]count unique Values in column B based on criteria in column A


  • 在A欄中,我們有月份數:

     A : 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 * 
  • 在B列中,我們有汽車的序列號:

     B : H185 H185 S556 S556 s521 s521 f221 s521 d558 r5569 d558 d558 r555 r555 * 


msgbox ( month 1 , 'NB produced car" , month 2," NB produced cars , ......) . 


select count(B), A
 from tablename
group by A;


下面的方法使用Dictionary對象來保持幾個月的時間並生產獨特的汽車。 您可能需要修改代碼以更正范圍和消息。 讓我們知道這是否適合您/是否需要更多幫助。

Sub CountUniqueByMonth()
    Dim rData As Range
    Dim oDictOuter As Object
    Dim rIterator As Range

    Set rData = Range("A2:A" & Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row)

    Set oDictOuter = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    For Each rIterator In rData
        AddToDictIfNotExists oDictOuter, rIterator.Value, CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        AddToDictIfNotExists oDictOuter(rIterator.Value), rIterator.Offset(, 1).Value, ""
    Next rIterator

    For Each Key In oDictOuter.Keys
        MsgBox "Month: " & Key & " - " & oDictOuter(Key).Count & " produced car(s)"
    Next Key
End Sub

Private Sub AddToDictIfNotExists(oDict As Object, vKey As Variant, vValue As Variant)
    If Not oDict.exists(vKey) Then
        oDict.Add vKey, vValue
    End If
End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub main()
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim msg As String

    With Worksheets("Month-Cars").Range("A1:A" & Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers) 'process only given sheet (change the name as per your needs) column "A" cells with numbers
        .Offset(, 2).FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIFS(RC1:R" & .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row & "C1,RC1,RC2:R" & .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row & "C2, RC2)" 'use "helper" cells in column "C" to localize unique pairs "month-serial number"
        With .Offset(, 3) 'use "helper" cells in column "D" to associate each month its unique pairs sum
            .FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTIFS(" & .Offset(, -3).Address(, , xlR1C1) & ",RC1," & .Offset(, -1).Address(, , xlR1C1) & ",1)" 'calculate unique pairs sum
            .Value2 = .Value2 'get rid of formulas
        End With
        .Copy Destination:=.Offset(, 4) 'use "helper" cells in column "E" to duplicate "month" values and subsequent removing duplicates purposes
        .Offset(, 3).Resize(, 2).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=Array(2), Header:=xlNo ' remove months duplicate values

        For Each cell In .Offset(, 4).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers) 'loop through unique months to build the report message
            msg = msg & "month " & cell.Value2 & ": " & cell.Offset(, -1) & " produced car" & IIf(cell.Offset(, -1) > 1, "s", "") & vbCrLf
        Next cell

        .Offset(, 2).Resize(, 3).ClearContents 'clear all "helper" cells in columns "C", "D" ed "E"
    End With

    MsgBox msg 'prompt the report message

End Sub



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